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Journalism and Emerging Digital Innovation
Journalism and Emerging Digital Innovation
Journalism and Emerging Digital Innovation explores storytelling and experimentation. This is the class site for Journalism 499 (Advanced Journalism for Mobile and Emerging Platforms) at the University of Southern California’s Anneberg School of Communication and Journalism.
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VR Diaries: ‘Fight for Falluja’ Took Me to Another Place, but I Wanted to Get Closer

After watching “Fight for Falluja” produced by the New York Times, I believe the most powerful part was when we were in the room where the ISIS soldiers kept their prisoners. It was…

VR Diary: 6 x 9 Creates A Powerful, Realistic Experience

After watching the virtual reality story “6x9” by the Guardian, I found the most powerful part of the piece was the fact that I was in the prison cell alone. It was very different from other virtual reality pieces I have watched…

VR Diaries: Commercials Interrupt Immersive Experience in ‘Pearl Harbor’ Story

The most powerful part of viewing the Pearl Harbor virtual reality experience was when I was in the museum and I could see the historical images pertaining to this event. The weakest part were…

VR Diaries: Animation Brings Characters to Life in ‘Project Syria’

The most powerful part of the virtual reality experience, Project Syria, was when we were in the last scene and the narrator explained the number of people displaced in Syria each day. At first, I had no idea the…