Project Statement

Social Media Creative Card App

Jeffrey Rawizza
2 min readSep 29, 2020


Previous posts:

What is Capstone?

Project Statement/Intent:

The goal is to create a social media app geared towards creatives to inspire them, or to help them out of a creative block.

Project Description:

The app would be similar to Instagram where people share pictures on a social media platform. Though the app would use a different format (cards) and is geared more towards creatives. The user submits a picture and writes a short description about the image to create lore for the card. The users are giving both a prompt for which the card they create is based off of, these prompts are giving to the user in a daily refresh format and a weekly refresh format, so that there are always prompts for the user to take inspiration from. The goal of the prompts is two fold. Firstly it is to help the users be inspired and give them a base to create something off of so that there is a guideline and not just a blank canvas. Secondly is to allow the users to look at what others have created for the prompts and take inspiration from that. Of course that’s not all, there is also a game section of the app, incase users want to challenge their friends, or have a more competitive experience though creating cards based on prompts.


  • app
  • cards
  • social
  • game
  • inspiration
  • competitive
  • collection
  • art work
  • drawing

Problems to solve:

What is the best way to create a dynamic card creation process?

How do I incentivize users to use and continue using the app?

How will the card creation game be played, how do i make it fun and want to be played?

How do I layout the information that makes the experience intuitive and simple?

How to I create a feedback system for the users on their cards, that stick to the card theme?

How do I get people to use my app over others like Instagram that already exist and are very popular?

How do I let users browse random cards vs the cards/accounts they follow?

Do I offer a way for users to print and sell their cards?

Primary Targets:

  • Creatives
  • Artists
  • Designers
  • Professionals
  • Students

Target Types:

  • Content Machine
  • Lost in scroll
  • Casual Cupcake
  • Social Gamer

Why does this matter to me?

This project matters to me, because I always find it interesting and inspiring to see how other creatives approach the same concept and can come up with completely different solutions. I also think that sometimes the best way to get out of a block, or stop being stuck on another project is to take a break and work on something else. Something that makes that process easier is to have somewhere to start, like a prompt, that way you’re not just looking at a blank canvas so to speak.


  • Branding (logo/app icon)
  • Website & App Design
  • Animated App Demo
  • Interactive Demo
  • Coded App and Website
  • Advertisement for the App



Jeffrey Rawizza

I am an Interactive Design Major at Maryville University. My main interests in Interactive Design are animation, illustrations, and web development.