Week 2 Recap

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Jeffrey Rawizza
2 min readSep 8, 2020


What is Capstone?

What have I learned so far?

I have learned a fair amount since starting capstone. The first and biggest is that coming up with an idea that is doable within the time constraints, and that also is something I am and will be interested in all semester is a lot harder than I first thought. Before the two ideas below I have a few good ideas that had one problem or another, which took me back to the drawing board. The next thing I learned that when your stuck for ideas, don’t just sit there thinking, write down your thoughts, it helps create a chain that you can then read and branch off of with new ideas. I learned that one after coming up with lots of ideas that I didn’t like or I felt wouldn't work. One last thing that I have learned was that talking with your peers and bouncing ideas off of them also is way more beneficial to the process than just thinking by yourself and not getting other differing opinions.

Current Ideas:

  1. General Event Management site/app — I feel pretty ok about this idea, I am not as excited about it as I think I could be. That being said, thinking about all the UI problems to solve as well as the challenges that coding the app and site do excite me quite a bit. I do think that The idea is mostly thought out though I think that if I created a wireframe or user journey map then I would have a better understanding and plan for the idea.
  2. Artist Trading Cards site/app — I feel more excited about this idea, which I think is just because the end result would be something that is for entertainment rather than the focus on something that is useful like my other idea. Though I think that I have thought this idea out a bit more than the previous idea I do think that a user journey map would help this idea really take shape.

Future Goals:

My future goals for next couple week, are things that will still be more in the ideation phase, at the my realistic goals. Which include:

  • deciding on my final capstone idea
  • create a wireframe
  • create a user journey map

Then my goals that I think are a bit more ambitious but still doable within the next few weeks include:

  • create the icons for the app
  • create the main page design for we browsers (both desktop and mobile) and the app
  • start looking into the new coding skills I’ll need to learn for the project



Jeffrey Rawizza

I am an Interactive Design Major at Maryville University. My main interests in Interactive Design are animation, illustrations, and web development.