Help promote js13k

Andrzej Mazur
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2019

Running js13kGames takes a lot of time, and there are still many aspects of the competition which are lacking my attention - I can’t do everything on my own even if I want to. Luckily, some are easier to help with than the others.

One of those aspects is marketing. My entire budget for advertising the competition is 0. Ze-ro. It’s for this year, was for last year, and all the previous ones all the way back to 2012. The ability to reach thousands of developers is purely based on those who help me promote it. Constant grow from 61 entries in 2012 all the way to 274 in 2018 is because of the community around it.

Lee Reilly goes above and beyond pushing js13k all over GitHub: Twitter profile, Explore page, Events page, Community forum, blog post, topic entry, and so on. I remember dozens of new devs last year mentioning “they saw something on GitHub and decided to join”, for which I’ll be eternally grateful.

Sascha Depold saw the potential in our little Launch Party in Warsaw in 2017 and wanted to have something like this in Berlin the next year, and we did. Now this year on Saturday August 17th, with the support from eBay Tech, we’re going to have a hackday in the famous GameOn Berlin place, and it’ll be full of gamedev coding, free food and drinks, BBQ, arcade machines, quiz with prizes and gadgets for everybody. Don’t miss it!

Giovanny Beltran decided to organize a special BogotaJS meetup all about the js13kGames competition on the exact day it starts, August 13th. You can expect talks with tips and tricks on how to develop games for the competition.

Maxime Euzière creates lots of helpful tools and libraries and builds them as small as possible to make your development easier. He also writes detailed post mortems describing his thinking, approach, issues he faced and how to solve them. He’s the author of the biggest number of unique links (24!) on our Resources page. If you came up with an idea for the new js13k tool be sure to check if he haven’t built it already.

There are many more doing lots of things, helping one way or another, and I’m really proud of that. It’s all happening because someone cared about letting others know how cool js13kGames is. None of them were paid to do it. I didn’t even ask them personally to do what they are doing - they came up with those ideas and decided to execute them on their own. That’s community, the biggest asset js13kGames can ever have.

That’s why I’d like to encourage all of you to join us. If you’re reading this, you probably know what js13kGames is about, but maybe your dev friends or local meetup have no idea it even exist. Let them know and have fun together! If you already participated, you know all the benefits - tell them about your experience!

It can be a blog post on your site, or a lightning talk at the meetup, casual mention in a conversation at a conference, your own tweet or share. Anything works. Community is what makes this effort worthwhile, so help make it grow!



Andrzej Mazur

HTML5 Game Developer, Enclave Games indie studio founder, js13kGames competition creator and Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter publisher.