A Django Blog In VS Code — Upload Profile Picture

How To Create A Blog in VS Code — Part VI— DjangoSeries Episode # 09

7 min readFeb 10, 2022


Hi, in this post we’re going to be learning how to add the ability to upload profile picture for our users.

Let’s go ahead and get started!

00#Step — This is a continuation of this post.

In the previous episode we saw how to create an authentication system for our Django application so that users can log in log out.


It’s a good idea to add an exterior photo so people can recognize your business when they visit your blog.

The first thing we need to do is extending the user model that we currently have to add more fields.

The User default models that Django provides to us does not include picture.

How can we can add more fields to User model?

Answer: we going to extend the User model and create a one to one relationship with the user.

01#Step —Let’s create our users_hub/model.py file, type:

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Profile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
image = models.ImageField(default='default.jpg',
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.user.username} Profile'

02#Step —To deal with images we need Pillow. What is it?

GoTo Terminal, and type:

pip install Pillow(djangoEnv) C:\Users\giljr\new_django\django_project>pip install Pillow
Collecting Pillow
Downloading Pillow-9.0.1-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl (3.2 MB)
|████████████████████████████████| 3.2 MB 547 kB/s
Installing collected packages: Pillow
Successfully installed Pillow-9.0.1
pip install --upgrade pip

03#Step — Let’s migrate our Profile table.

In Terminal, type:

python manage.py makemigrationsMigrations for 'users_hub':
- Create model Profile
python manage.py migrateOperations to perform:
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, blog, contenttypes, sessions, users_hub
Running migrations:
Applying users_hub.0001_initial... OK

04#Step — GoTo DB Browser for SQLite and confirm user_hub_profile table was created:

Please visit this post for more info…Below is the SQL code that Django created for us…
python manage.py sqlmigrate users_hub 0001 BEGIN;
-- Create model Profile
CREATE TABLE "users_hub_profile" ("id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "image" varchar(100) NOT NULL, "user_id" integer NOT NULL UNIQUE REFERENCES "auth_user" ("id") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED);

05#Step — Now let’s register our new model to our admin dashboard:

users_hub/admin.py, type:

from django.contrib import admin
from users_hub.models import Profile

06#Step — Now, to test, in your Terminal, type:

python manage.py runserver

07#Step — Open /admin dashboard route, and add 2 profiles:

One for j3 user by adding a pic:

And the other to UserTest2 with no pic:

08#Step — Now stop the server and run the Django Shell:

python manage.py shell Python 3.9.7 (default, Sep 16 2021, 16:59:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> user=User.objects.filter(username='j3').first()
>>> user.profile
<Profile: j3 Profile>
>>> user.profile.image
<ImageFieldFile: profile_pics/logo.jpg>
>>> user.profile.image.width
>>> user.profile.image.height
>>> user.profile.image.size
>>> user.profile.image.url
>>> user=User.objects.filter(username='userTest2').first()
>>> user
<User: userTest2>
>>> user.profile.image
<ImageFieldFile: default.jpg>
>>> exit()

Here we can see that the user and profile models have a relationship. See that the user j3 (/profile_pics/logo.jpg) has a pic associated with and the userTest2 has a default.jpg.

Please, look at django_project/profile_pics/logo.jpg
The image was saved at: django_project/profile_pics/logo.jpg

I don't think this is a good location to image, because it will clattered up our root directory.

Let’s change some settings so that we can change location where the images will be actually saved. We can change this default pics save location to media directory. Let’s go ahead…

How can we change location of the pics? Open settings.py!

09#Step — GoTo django_project/settings.py type at the very end of the file:

import osMEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

10#Step —Run the server, and return to Admin dashboard, and delete the 2 profile added at step #07 and repeat the procedure and add the 2 profiles again so that the change will take effect.

Deleting old profiles…
…confirming deletion of two profiles…
and creating two profiles again. j3 user by adding a pic and UserTest2 with no pic.

11#Step — Now GoTo django_project/media

and confirm the new directory was created successfully: media/profile_pics/logo.jpg

Delete the old profile_pics and left over media\profile_pics.

12#Step — Now Modify users_hub/templates/users_hub/profile.htmlto:

Here we are using Tailwind CSS to make a more suitable profile page.

Just one more thing we need to do to provide the correct location of the image: add the media routes in our patterns configs.

Go to this link to more official info about static files:

# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/howto/static-files/

13#Step —Modify your django_project\urls.py file to:

See we are importing: settings, static and making a ugly thing if in DEBUG mode:/ Please read this page for more info.

14#Step — Log in to j3 profile and you see the new brand profile page:

But if you logout from j3 and login as userTest2 you will see this:

It tries to upload a image from

15#Step — Save an default image .jpg inside the claimed directory:


Reload the page:

And there you have it!

16#Step —Every time a User is created let’s create a Profile. For this, create users_hub/signals.py file, and paste it:

Django includes a Signal Dispatcher which helps decoupled applications by getting notified when actions occur elsewhere in the framework. Signals are so it’s just basically going to be an Event Listener.

Signals are basically comprised of senders and receivers that send out some information to a receiver or whenever something has occurred.

Here we are introducing you to the concept of Django Signals and show you how signals can really help simplify a lot of our code whenever we have multiple bits of code interested in the same event.

So every single User is created in my system it is going to have a Profile so every single time a User is created or updated I want a sender to be sent out and either create or update the profile also.

17#Step — Modify users_hub/apps.py :

Now, our callback function will be called each time a request finishes…

18#Step —Let’s create another userTest4:

19#Step — Using tailwind CSS , as a final detail to modify our blog\templates\blog\base.html

{% if user.is_authenticated %}
<li class="nav-item">
<img class="w-8 h-8 md:h-auto rounded-full mx-auto"
src="{{ user.profile.image.url }}">
{% endif %}

20#Step — And there you have it! as we have planned \o/

If the user is logged on the logo appear in the navigation bar: awesome, huh? There you have it!

That’s all Folks!

In the next #DjangoSeries Episode we will Update & Resize Picture.

See you around. Bye!

👉 git

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06#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS — Part_III

07#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Forms & Validations — Part_IV

08#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Login & Logout — Part_V

09#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Upload Profile Picture — Part_VI (this one :)

10#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Update & Resize Picture — Part_VII

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Credits & References

Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App by Corey Schafer

Signals by djangoproject.com

“Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.” ― Desmond Tutu
HowTo Run this Tutorial - From the Scratch - In your Machine:)Annotations: Quick Start - video #TakeTheFirstStepToLearnDjango0 - Download DJG_<previous>/Django_project from my git repo;
1 - On your desktop, create a dir and named it as Tutorial_#;
2 - Inside this paste the previous Django_project file;
3 - GoTo vscode Terminal (command prompt) and ...
4 - Run this quick_script
(copy/paste inside you terminal and hit enter and wait until
Pillow is up and running...):
python -m venv djangoEnv
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install django
python -m django --version
pip install django-crispy-forms
pip install Pillow
5- GoTo Step#01 of this tutorial.And you are good to go!




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!