A Django Blog In VS Code — Heroku Deploy — How To Push Your Site To Production

How To Create A Blog in VS Code — Part XI — DjangoSeries Episode # 14

10 min readFeb 21, 2022


Now just enjoy!👉Here is the result: https://jungledev.herokuapp.com/👈

When it comes to deploying an application, there are usually two options:

A VPS or a PaaS (platform as a service).

This post will show you my recipe (PSHPs — v1.0) for deploying our application to production on a PaaS like Heroku.

Let’s get started!


If you already deploy some web page to a Linux server then you would have noticed that that took a lot of time and also requires you to be familiar with a little bit of system administration and things like that in order to get your application up and running.

Heroku abstracts a lot of that away and allows us to get our application deployed more easily without needing to set up our own web servers and firewalls and stuff like that and they also have a free tier that you can use so that you can actually get your application deployed without paying any money :).


First let’s see two concept: development process & military deployment .

Development is the process or result of making a basic design gradually better and more advanced.

The deployment of troops, resources, or equipment is the organization and positioning of them so that they are ready for quick action.

We have made a tremendous effort to develop gradually our jungleDev site in the localhost.

This process takes time, work, and passion.

Here the site still only lives on our local machine, until now…I have this running in my browser on my local machine but no one else can access this :/ Let’s solve this!

Now we have to deploy our site behind a front-line trench: the cloud!

This is a Big Bet (poker)!

Once you are in the internet security must be your first concern.

Malware such as spyware, ransomware, viruses and worms, you know…

Cisco reports that ransomware, once activated, can block access to key network components…

Django is as secure as any web framework can be, but the whole platform security depends on the proper use of the tools we choose, and thus is more a matter of developer skills.

Now I have a bit of experience under my belt. These are my last three Heroku projects:

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present you my brand new recipe:

We’ve compiled essentials steps to help you quickly push a Python site to Heroku production:

Follow me:

01#Step — Create Heroku Project

First thing first, after you create an account with Heroku, you can log in to your dashboard and create a new app:

Creating a new app on Heroku dashboard. You will have to choose another name, of course…mine is jungledev!

02#Step — Activate Heroku & the Control Version System — CLI & GIT;

Install these on your machine:

GoTo Heroku Deploy tab and follow this steps:

Easy, huh? This is the commands that we will type in our vscode Terminal…

Next, open up the vscode Terminal, and type:

Your browse will open this screen as soon as you type any key…close and you are ready to go!

03#Step — Link git repository to Heroku;

Initialize a git repository in a new or existing directory

From now on follows a detailed walk-through of the process for Python developers to deploy their local application to Heroku.

04#Step — Files: backup, gitignore, runtime, Procfile & requirements;

settings.py 👉 create a backup extensions settings.bak

gitignore.txt 👉 Download file:here

runtime.txt 👉 create a file, type: python-3.9.7

Procfile 👉 New file: web: gunicorn django_project.wsgi --log-file -

📝 no extensions

requirements.txt 👉 On Terminal type:

pip list --format=freeze > requirements.txt

📝 about pip freeze requirements.txt visit this link

05#Step — Install Gunicorn (WSGI HTTP Server);

GoTo Terminal and type:

06#Step — Goto Settings.py: Set Environment Variables;

The easiest way to do this is simply set the Heroku value as follows:

heroku config:set DEBUG_VALUE="False"

Then in your settings.py test the string value that you stored as follows:

DEBUG = (os.environ.get('DEBUG_VALUE') == 'True')

Now set your DEBUG_VALUE in your system environment.

Since DEBUG_VALUE is set to "False", DEBUG will be False in production.

Also the secret key shouldn’t be something that we put in our code potentially for other people to see so I’m going to create an environment variable for the secret key

Got to python interpreter (just type python in your Terminal), and type:

Goto Heroku, type(option: HEROKU_GUI see vid:):

GoTo settings.py and comment out the old SECRET_KEY, and type:

07#Step — Goto Settings.py: Register the allowed hosts;

08#Step — Deal w/ Middleware — WhiteNoise & staticfiles;

In your Terminal, type:

In your settings.py, type:

And at the very end:

By just adding that in that’s going to automatically set a lot of those configurations for us. Good!

Django Heroku package is going to automatically configure our database URL and we’ll also take care of connecting our static assets to G unicorn using a package called white noise.

WhiteNoise radically simplified static file serving for Python web apps.

Installation, in your Terminal type:

Now in settings.py:

In settings.py save this config too:

09#Step — Database — install pg, dj & psycopg2;

Heroku Postgres is a managed SQL database service provided directly by Heroku.

We can provision it with the following CLI command:

For example, to provision a hobby-dev plan database:

Now run Heroku PG we can see there it shows us a bit more about that database:

So we can see that it has for the rows zero out of ten thousand so the free tier does have a ten thousand row limit. Just Fine!

Install on your machine PostgreSQL

The World’s Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database. Heroku uses it.

I am using PosgreSQL 14

Install psycopg2 — Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter

Psycopg is the most popular PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language.

In your Terminal type:

10#Step — Git Push Master to Heroku;

But before let’s run freeze command:

Now type:

📝 Python Strategic Heroku Pillars Script (PSHPs v1.0)

Right after the code run, type:

Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst…🙄

11#Step — Migrations;

Execute steps # 2,3, and 4 of this post

Businesses lose millions of dollars every year due to inadequate migrations. Don’t let a bad migration leave your business struggling.

In your Terminal, type:

12#Step — Deploy Buildpacks, Environment Variables & Cloudinary DB

GoTo Heroku dashboard and in Settings tab include python as Buildpacks.

Create and Modify Environment Variables on Windows (see right at the end of this video ;)

Fine, now at Resources tab add-ons find:

Cloudinary is a SaaS technology company headquartered in Santa Clara, California, with offices in Israel, England, Poland, and Singapore. The company provides cloud-based image and video management services. It enables users to upload, store, manage, manipulate, and deliver images and video for websites and apps.

Click on it and it will open Cloudinary dashboard.

To gather the identifying information needed to authenticate go to settings ico and fill:

Now save this in your Settings.py plus:

And in your installed apps:

Now the last operation:

let’s run freeze command:

Now type:

Type this at the end of settings.py:

13 #Step — Create a superuser again and visit your site on line!

14 #Step —Test on-air services (email, login, logout, etc);

Run the script as explained in this post to upload all dummies post

Now just enjoy!

👉Here is the result: https://jungledev.herokuapp.com/👈

All right folks!

Congratulations! We Have achieved our goals after fourteen episodes!

Our Mission Statement, Make Our Own Website on Heroku, Was Accomplished!

To like all parts of our strategic episodes, help we focus our team on what we need to work on, and what we don’t need to work on.

I know these episodes were numerous but hopeful it will be useful.

See you around!


👉 git

Credits & References

Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App by Corey Schafer

Heroku by heroku.com

Cloudinary by cloudinary.com

Heroku Postgres by devcenter.heroku.com

Como colocar foto no perfil do Heroku via Gravatar by Ana Paula Carneiro

Heroku Debug Flag not stopping django debugging by stackoverflow.com

SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error while trying to send email though django app using gmail by stackoverflow.com

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04#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Quick Start!Part_I

05#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Database, Migrations & Queries — Part_II

06#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS — Part_III

07#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Forms & Validations — Part_IV

08#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Login & Logout — Part_V

09#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Upload Profile Picture — Part_VI

10#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Update & Resize Picture — Part_VII

11#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Class-Based-View & CRUD — Part_VIII

12#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Posts Pagination & Quick DB Population — Part_IX

13#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Self-Service Django Password Reset — Part_X

14#Episode — DjangoSerie — A Django Blog In VS Code — Heroku Deploy — How To Push Your Site To Productio— Part_XI (this last one…whew!)


Download this image and more from my git!

We remain forever neoplastic. We remain forever changeable, and healable by experiences of being understood.

Sarah Peyton

Explain: "We remain forever neoplastic"

The phrase "We remain forever neoplastic" suggests
that the speaker or the subject being referred to
is in a state of perpetual change or transformation,
akin to the characteristics of neoplasticity.

Neoplasticity is a term commonly used in the field
of biology and medicine to describe the abnormal
growth and development of cells, particularly in
the context of cancer. Neoplastic cells exhibit
uncontrolled proliferation and have the ability
to invade surrounding tissues. They constantly
evolve and adapt, which contributes
to their malignant nature.

By using the phrase "We remain forever neoplastic,"
the speaker is likely implying that they or the subject
in question possess a similar quality of continuous
evolution, adaptability, or transformation.
It suggests a dynamic and ever-changing nature,
possibly emphasizing the ability to adapt,
learn, and grow in various aspects of life.

It might imply that they do not settle into a
fixed or static state, but rather
embrace constant change and development.

Date: jun 2023




😎 Gilberto Oliveira Jr | 🖥️ Computer Engineer | 🐍 Python | 🧩 C | 💎 Rails | 🤖 AI & IoT | ✍️