Advanced Python Technologies I

qrcode, Speech Recognition in Python, Google Speech Recognition #PurePythonSeries — Episode #12

5 min readOct 18, 2022


Tech 1 # qrcode


What is a QR Code?

A Quick Response code is a two-dimensional pictographic code used for its fast readability and comparatively large storage capacity

Install the lib:

Run this code:

Please visit jungletronics on media dot com 😉

Tech 2 # Simplified Answering Machine

To test it please run as much as you like!

Three words or sets of words must exist in the sentence spoken and captured by the microphone:

And wait for the answer 😉

The code:

Tech 3 # Speech Recognition in Python

In the code below:

First we install pyaudio and SpeechRecognitions from google.

Then, obtain audio from the microphone.

And finaly, Recognize speech using Google Speech Recognition

Say something and wait the answer 👈

The code:

Here we mixed the two codes above and see what happened!

To test it please run as much as you like!

Three words or sets of words must exist in the sentence spoken and captured by the microphone:

The code:

Now say what’s your name

Tech 4 # Speech Recognition in Python


It Supports multiple TTS engines, including Sapi5, nsss, and espeak.

The code:

You will hear the sentence written above on your computer speakers.

And finally:

The credits goes to:

👉Github (PPY-12)

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😎 Gilberto Oliveira Jr | 🖥️ Computer Engineer | 🐍 Python | 🧩 C | 💎 Rails | 🤖 AI & IoT | ✍️