Advanced Python Technologies II

Face Recognition w/ Jupyter Notebook & Ubuntu #PurePythonSeries — Episode #13

5 min readOct 23, 2022


Hi, Let’s play with face recognition in Linux Ubuntu and Anaconda Jupyter?

We will use library.

Please visit ageitgey / face_recognition Public Github. It is awesome!

Let’s get started!

00#step — HARDWARE

Note: GPU acceleration (via nvidia’s CUDA library) is required for good performance with this model. You’ll also want to enable CUDA support when compiling dlib.

01#step —Installing Anaconda

02#step — Go To Terminal and confirm your Python version

Note: see History — 1.2.3 (2018–08–21): Officially supporting Python 3.7

If your version is not that…try:

Now Go to here :)

03#step — Install CMake on Ubuntu Software store:

Open Terminal and first Reboot your system by typing reboot -n and Type: $ cmake — version
cmake version 3.24.1

Note: CMake is an open-source, cross-platform tool that uses compiler and platform independent configuration files to generate native build tool files specific to your compiler and platform.

04#step — First Commands

Note: These are all my packages installed initially: conda list initial (339 packages installed)

05#step — On Terminal type

This command will open a New Tab on your Browser (Mine is Firefox 106.0.1–64 bit)

06#step — Install dlib inside Jupyter notebook :)

Note: Many, many thanks to Davis King (@nulhom) for creating dlib and for providing the trained facial feature detection and face encoding models used in this library. For more information on the ResNet that powers the face encodings, check out his blog post.

07#step — Install cmake

08#step — Install Open CV

Note: OpenCV is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision.

09#step — Install Face Recognition package

10#step — Dealing With GLIBCXX_3.4.29 in anaconda issue :/


Note: These are all my packages at the final: conda list final (359 packages 21 more :)

Added packs for Jupyter Notebook —the main packages are related to the c compiler gcc e gxx, I think…

11#step — Let’s code: detect all the faces. Please download for the Jupyter Notebook directory these images:

The code bellow will detect all the 16 faces in this photo
16 faces detected \o/

12#step — Let’s Recognize faces in images and identify who he are:

Download Toby mugshot:

Toby mugshot
Toby was detected right there behind many faces. How fantastic and simple to use is this lib API! \o/

👉Github (PPY-13)

👉Google Drive (PPY-13)

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Credits & References

HARVARD CS50— lecture 6 —Python — DAVID MALAN



Ubuntu — install-the-anaconda-python-distribution-on-ubuntu-20-04



anaconda gcc is 4.8.5.

Install GLIBCXX_3.4.29 in anaconda

Install GitHub Desktop




😎 Gilberto Oliveira Jr | 🖥️ Computer Engineer | 🐍 Python | 🧩 C | 💎 Rails | 🤖 AI & IoT | ✍️