PIC 18 ADC Voltmeter

How To Create a Cool Voltmeter — PIC Unit #03 — ADC — Episode #04

1 min readNov 29, 2019


Hi, let’s create a voltmeter?

Fig 1. A cool voltmeter w/ PIC18F4520 :D

And that’s it!

In the next ADC episode, we’re gonna forcing float numbers!

See you there!

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03º Episode — ADC — unit#01 — ADC Formatting Numbers — Let’s Format numbers?

04º Episode — ADC — unit#01 — ADC A Cool Voltmeter! — Creating a voltmeter using PIC18F!

05º Episode — ADC — unit#01 — ADC Floating Numbers! — Faking floating numbers using PIC18F!

Credits & References

Why put in the time and effort to learn Arduino properly? by J3

The World Is Analog by Peter Kinget




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!