Reaction Timer Circuit

Using the 555 in its three modes at once #basicTronics 08

3 min readMay 30, 2017


I will summarize the sequence of events when the circuit Reaction Timer is working:

1 — User presses Go button;

2 — Which triggers 555 — Monostable by pulsing GND in pin 2, the trigger one;

3—555 — Monostable goes high for a few seconds while its capacitor charges;

4—555 — Monostable output drops back low, communicates a pulse of low voltage through pin 4 of 555 — Bistable;

5—555 — Bistable output flips low and flops there; The LED and the display lights are on!

​6 — User presses the stop button;

7 — The switch connects pin 2 of 555 — Bistable to ground;

8 — A negative to pin 2 of 555 — Bistable turns the output positive; This pulse disable the clock of 4026 IC, freezing the display;

9 — The user presses Reset button;

10 — it sends a negative pulse to pins 15 of both 4026 IC, resetting the display.

That’s it!

Note that 555 in astable mode it runs all the time!

Thank you very much!

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References & Credits:

Proteus — Reaction Timer Simulation


Book: Make Electronics:

Alex Ishida: Video&Photo footage

555 IC-Monostable Mode

555 IC-Bistable Mode

555 IC-Astable Mode

Slides are freee!!!

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