Become an Oracle on Jur. Deliver the Power of the Wisdom of the Crowd and Earn Rewards.

Chris Connelly
Published in
5 min readSep 6, 2018

We are looking for people who have good judgment to help resolve disputes over business agreements in exchange for financial rewards.

Jur harnesses the wisdom of the crowd using economic incentives verified by game theory. We are looking for people with general good judgment to act as Oracles to deliver justice on our open base layer as well as people with specific expertise to act as Oracles in specialized “Communities” (formerly called “Hubs”). Are you ready to contribute to the wisdom of the crowd in exchange for rewards? For many people, this will be a new job opportunity. Our vision is to change the way business agreements are made and disputes are resolved using a platform that relies on a decentralized community whose members are rewarded when they choose fairly.

Join a New Era of Trust In Business Relationships Based On Reliable Dispute Resolution

Jur will bring a new era of inviolable trust in business agreements. Soon there will be a new way to make business agreements and resolve disputes when they arise. You can read more about the enormous cost of inefficent dispute resolution here.

You can help resolve disputes as an “Oracle” on Jur. Anyone who holds JUR tokens can view disputes and proposed resolutions. If you believe you know which of the two proposed resolutions to a dispute is the fairest, you can vote for that proposal with JUR tokens. By undertaking this act of analyzing the dispute, forming an opinion, and committing your tokens by voting, you become an Oracle. By becoming an Oracle, you help create an environment where businesses and individuals around the globe can cooperate with complete strangers, confident that their agreements will be honored.

How Jur Dispute Resolution Works

Businesses and individuals can enter into contractual agreements on Jur and escrow funds for payment. In the event that the contract is breached and a dispute arises, one of the two parties to the contract opens the dispute by proposing a resolution that specifies how the escrowed funds should be distributed and voting some of their JUR tokens for their own proposal. The counterparty can then offer their own alternative proposal for resolving the dispute.

For instance, if Alice agreed to pay Bob for $1,000 (which she has put into escrow) for 10 articles with college-level writing but Bob delivers only 9 articles that meet the criteria and a 10th one that is written at the 3rd grade level, Alice may propose that only $900 of the escrowed funds be paid to Bob and the remaining $100 returned to Alice. Bob might then propose that the escrow should distribute $950 to him and return the remaining amount to Alice. Alice and Bob can both submit evidence

Anyone who holds JUR tokens can view Alice and Bob’s original contract, their evidence, and their proposals for resolving the dispute. If they choose to do so, they can commit tokens by voting for one of the two proposals. The default voting period is 24 hours, but users can choose their own voting period when they enter into a contract on Jur. The voting period is automatically extended if there is an increase in voting activity near the end of the voting period.

Motivation for Voting — Rewards

Once the voting period ends, the escrow is distributed according to the proposal that received the majority of the votes. Those Oracles who committed tokens to the proposal that received fewer votes forfeit their tokens for judging incorrectly. Those Oracles who voted sufficiently early that their votes were required to create the majority receive the tokes forfeited by the minority as a reward for their efforts to analyze the dispute and vote for the fairest proposition. You can read more details about the Jur voting system here and get a broad overview of Jur here.


Traditionally, disputes are resolved by centralized authorities. Jur uses the blockchain to offer decentralized dispute resolution. The onus of responsibility to choose to participate in resolving a dispute or to abstain falls on every individual instead of a potentially corruptible centralized authority. The economic incentive to gain tokens by voting correctly and avoid losing tokens by voting for the less fair proposal will motivate individuals to participate when they are confident they have the skill and knowledge to judge fairly and to abstain when they do not.

Disputes On The Open Layer

Jur’s basic layer is open to anyone who holds JUR tokens. Users who enter into contracts should make their contracts as clear as possible to facilitate fair rulings. By including as many key performance indicators as possible and proposing objective factors on which to judge performance, parties to contracts can achieve predictable outcomes. Oracles are charged with the task of choosing the fairest proposal on the most objective grounds possible. By doing so, they can ascertain the probable selection of the majority, which will receive the most support for being fairest.

Communities for Complex and Specialized Agreements

Initially, parties to complex contracts that require specialized knowledge may be hesitant to use Jur. While voters have very strong incentives to abstain if they do not understand the issues, the Dunning Kruger theory warns that people who have very little knowledge may lack the ability to recognize that they are not experts, creating a risk of inexpert voters participating and creating unpredictable results. In order to address this issue, Jur is developing a feature that will allow users to create and administer specialized Communities.

Communities can limit voting to vetted experts, reassuring parties to contracts that only people with specific skill and knowledge can rule on their disputes over contracts that are created within the Community. Communities can offer specific guidelines for the interpretation of disputes to ensure that contract parties and Oracles share a unified perspective on how fairness is defined in the specialized context of the Community.

Third-Party Connections

Users can easily access the Jur platform directly. Third parties such as other blockchain projects, stand-alone smart contracts, and centralized platforms such as existing freelance marketplaces can also access the Jur dispute resolution system through a flexible API. You can read about an example of a partnership between Jur and Scidex using the API here.

How To Join The Dispute Resolution Revolution

Jur is introducing a platform that will create a watershed shift in how we resolve disputes. Moving from slow and costly centralized dispute resolution to fast and affordable decentralized dispute resolution is a true paradigm change. The Jur ICO will take place in December 2018. At that time, anyone can buy JUR tokens and participate by voting on disputes. In the meantime, the Jur Team will be refining our approach and developing our system with the guidance of experts and thought leaders from around the globe. If you would like to participate in developing and promoting Jur (and earn bounties) you can apply to join the Jur Alliance which will launch in October 2018. Get on board and help create a new era of fearless global cooperation by providing robust decentralized dispute resolution supplemented by a platform that makes it easy for anyone to create a smart legal agreement.

Learn More about Jur

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Visit our Website
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Chris Connelly
Editor for

I started developing software in 1976 & helped create the first internet bank, the Etrade bank. Student of philosophy, politics, economics, math & game theory.