Go to Just Transitions
Just Transitions
Just Transition(s) to a Low-Carbon World
Note from the editor

This online forum of the Just Transition Research Collaborative collects stories on the Just Transition to low-carbon development. Bringing together a range of experts working on different aspects of this transition, it showcases different case studies, narratives and approaches to the Just Transition and their implications for equity and social justice. Contact us (jtrc.coordination [at] gmail.com) if you would like to share your story on the Just Transition!

Go to the profile of Just Transition Research Collaborative
Just Transition Research Collaborative
An initiative that maps different narratives of the Just Transition concept. Highlighting the importance of equity and justice in tackling climate change
Go to the profile of International Social Science Council
International Social Science Council
We work to increase the production and use of social science knowledge to help solve global problems.
Go to the profile of International Science Council
International Science Council
The International Science Council is the global voice for science. Get to know us at: https://council.science/
Go to the profile of Dunja Krause
Dunja Krause
Researches social aspects of climate change, sustainability, renewables @UNRISD. Lives in Geneva.
Go to the profile of Dimitris Stevis
Dimitris Stevis
teaches global politics at Colorado State University — https://polisci.colostate.edu/author/dimitris/
Go to the profile of Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood
Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood
International trade and climate policy researcher, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Go to the profile of International Social Science Council
International Social Science Council
We work to increase the production and use of social science knowledge to help solve global problems.
Go to the profile of Romain Felli
Romain Felli
is a lecturer in international relations at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Go to the profile of Rebecca Shelton
Rebecca Shelton
PhD student of Sustainability Science. Kentuckian. Gardener. Community Builder. Rural Roots.
Go to the profile of Sam Huggard
Sam Huggard
Director of Campaigns | Kaihāpai Whakatairanga - NZEI Te Riu Roa. Formerly E tū union researcher, NZ Council of Trade Unions Secretary & FIRST Union campaigns.
Go to the profile of Diego Azzi
Diego Azzi
Professor of International Relations, Federal University of ABC (UFABC), Brazil.
Go to the profile of Anabella Rosemberg
Go to the profile of John Barry
John Barry
Professor of Green Political Economy, Queen’s University Belfast
Go to the profile of International Science Council
International Science Council
The International Science Council is the global voice for science. Get to know us at: https://council.science/
Go to the profile of Climate Exp0
Climate Exp0
Climate Exp0 was the first virtual conference from the COP26 Universities Network and the Italian University Network for Sustainable Development (RUS).
Go to the profile of Peder Østring
Peder Østring
Peder Østring is a human geographer, currently undertaking an internship in Berlin international climate politics for the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.