k0s 0.8 Released

We are proud to announce k0s 0.8 is now available! This is the first release since the project was made public. In this version, we are addressing some of the usability gaps reported by our users and internals that will make k0s more robust to build upon. I’d like to thank all k0s community contributors to make this release: usrbinkat, AlexanderRohde, binoychitale, sjz, KennethEhmsen and webwurst. Here are the changes:

  • Added an option to specify custom directory where k0s data is stored.
  • Added an option to pass join tokens via files.
  • Added a new subcommand to create client cert based kubeconfigs for additional users.
  • Improved detection logic and the way how resolv.conf file is passed for kubelet.
  • Improved logic for machine-id generation.
  • Improved internals to allow running all server components as non-root.
  • Updated Kubernetes to 1.19.4
  • Updated kine to 0.5.1
  • Updated containerd to 1.4.3 (including fix to CVE-2020–15257)

We hope you enjoy! Get started today! And please provide feedback 😊

Launch Retrospective

We released k0s to public just a short time ago. The traction has been amazing. We have seen k0s clusters popping up all around the world with thousands of stargazers on GitHub!

For people analyzing the Kubernetes ecosystem, the demand for something like k0s should not come as a surprise. As Kubernetes is solidifying its role as “the operating system for cloud”, there is a growing need for a modern Kubernetes distribution that is accessible and independent: a pure, open source Kubernetes distribution that works for any use case, at any scale, on any infrastructure — without vendor specific dependencies or lock-ins; something that just works, for everybody, everywhere. That’s our mission!

Now, reflecting back to the early feedback and success with the k0s initial release, I feel we are on the right track. Exciting times ahead!

Community Updates

Some of you might have noticed we have official community blog hosted on Medium. If you are not yet following us, I’d like to invite you to do so now! Make sure to follow us on Twitter as well 😊

We have also agreed to share Slack with Lens IDE team. They are close friends of k0s crew and many of the Kubernetes users are using Lens anyway so it felt very natural for us to share their Slack. You’ll find us on dedicated k0s channel. Please join the k0s Slack channel to hear latest news, discussions and provide your feedback!

About k0s

k0s is zero friction Kubernetes distribution. It provides unique mix of simplicity, security and modularity. k0s is 100% open source and free of charge, for any purpose.

The k0s open source project is backed by number of Kubernetes, Docker and Linux ecosystem pioneers. It combines experience with all the best innovations and ideas in the ecosystem to create a pure kubernetes distribution that is slim, modern & fresh while maximizing the developer happiness. https://k0sproject.io



Miska Kaipiainen
k0s — The Kubernetes Distribution

Cloud native technologist and serial entrepreneur with passion to cool new technologies. Principal of https://k8slens.dev and https://k0sproject.io OSS projects