Education with purpose matters to everyone.

Nimesh Patel
Published in
5 min readJan 5, 2023
A photo he took on New Years Eve to wish his coach, mentors and educators a HNY!

Me: “Kaeden why do you want to be homeschooled?”

Kaeden: “Dad, I don’t want to spend the next five years wanting it to be over.”

His response made my heart skip a beat for a moment and my eyes welled up.

For disclosure he is my son, but regardless, if any child said this to you, how would you respond?

It really blew me away.

The limitations we place on children is stifling and this child was telling me with magnificent clarity that he was capable of more.

He is multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary and multi-talent (as are all children) and here he was, telling me in his second month of secondary school that he wasn’t happy, and he could do something to change it.

How did Kaeden come to a decision to be homeschooled?

Over the past five years he has been a constant feedback loop as we have designed our Safe Metaverse powering education with purpose. He has tried more different types of headsets and experiences than any child in the world. So it’s an honour he has chosen to join Kabuni.

I’ve been quietly building a company with a small team, with a huge passion to deliver our mission — unlock the design potential in every human being and elevate life.

I’ve spoken to numerous parents, educators, leaders around the world, across all demographics who all say the same thing; we need to rethink, reboot and reimagine how we educate our children (and future workforce) to support them in this next digital transition and the onset of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

In my Elevate Life podcast with Prof. Dr Ger Graus on making children want to go to school, comes very close to helping me put my feelings into one simple question and answer.

In 2016 I spoke at various Web3 conferences around the world discussing the concept of emerging and disruptive technologies and the question; can we avoid anarchy? Kaeden joined me when I was asked to speak in Bristol – listening and then joining me on stage.

Kaeden watching me deliver the speech in Bristol at a Web3 conference

As I walked off, and saw his smiling face, a complex feeling of exhilaration and nausea set into my gut — fuck, my four kids are going to need to meet this challenge head on within the next decade. We are quick to point fingers for blame for the current state of the education system.

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of doing that

A very happy Kaeden sharing the stage with his dad and the youngest at a Web3 conference!

I firmly believe if we do not create change then we will teach skills appropriate only to the 1st industrial revolution and make the mistake of “memorising” our kids into poverty.

What can I do about it?

That fleeting feeling in 2016 is now a full blown fire in my gut and drives me every day to build Kabuni into something that will unlock the design potential of every human powered by education with purpose.

The convergence of exponential technology into our lives is going to ultimately change how we work, live and learn. We are beyond a tipping point and immersive technology will drastically improve how we deliver education (at home or school) and also how we up-skill for new roles in the workplace.

In the past few years we have heard raging debates around the world regarding the definition of the Metaverse. I am sorry to say - it will ONLY be defined by the builders and communities working together over the next few years.

Currently, all I hear is focused on is open, interoperable and accessible by nearly all the aficionados – these are important elements BUT ONLY once we have built a scalable foundation for a sustainable, profitable business with SAFETY at the heart of design.

Nina co-founder and head of research @Kabuni delivering a speech on the absolute need of a Safe Metaverse at the House Of Lords in Parliament

In my view- dancing with your pixels in AR or VR experiences will become the true definition of the Metaverse. One day we will see MR as the final frontier, but let’s get real for now —

Immersive technology is a field trip digital experience that is 100 times better than a 2D flat screen experience on smart devices.

When applied to education you can teleport learning into multi sensory immersive experiences beyond the imagination. When applied correctly it will improve the retention, speed, engagement and health of the learner. It is an innovation that will very soon become a necessity (not a luxury) for education and up-skilling talent.

After years of talking, designing and building a roadmap to scale Kabuni – a Safe Metaverse to drive education with purpose centred around educators, we are now going to show you how we scale and become a leading Safe Metaverse powering education with purpose.

Educators and learners around the world are already designing, developing their education with purpose journey’s in Kabuni CAMPUS for homeschooling and hybrid learning.

Kabuni SPACE is next — delivering Kabuni into the school classroom.

Kabuni UNIVERSITY — our vision for the future — will support organisations around the world to build micro-credentials for talent upskilling.

Kaeden begins his Metaverse Architect micro-credentials program with Kabuni CAMPUS

In the coming weeks, we will start to share our community stories from educators, learners, brands and creators around the world building and defining a Safe Metaverse to unlock the design potential of every human being and elevate life powered by education with purpose.

To kickstart our community stories Kaeden will launch his Youtube channel Kaeden’s Odyssey, to share his homeschooling learning journey.

Please subscribe to his channel to learn how he is defining a safe Metaverse to drive his education.

Have a magical 2023……



Nimesh Patel
Editor for

A father, husband and entrepreneur on a mission to unlock the design potential in every human being and elevate life.