How to Generate a KDA address

3 min readDec 2, 2019


Ill cover from web browser, Ubuntu 18 and windows 10 in this guide

From a web browser

Go to

Enter an account name in the bottom right, click generate and it will create a key pair for you

Do not ever share that private key
Keep this in a safe place its the only way to access your coins
You mine to the PUBLIC address

From Linux 18.04

Type in:

1 sudo apt-get update2 sudo apt-get install librocksdb5.8 -y3 wget tar -xvf chainweb-miner-1.0.3-ubuntu-18.04.tar.gz5 ./chainweb-miner keys

You will end up with a pair of key like that one
Do not ever share that private key
Keep this in a safe place its the only way to access your coins
You mine to the PUBLIC address

From The Bag of Holding

Get the bag here and follow the instructions to install it
Then run this command to create and save your wallet in the key file

./boh keys > keys.json

From Windows 10

Get Windows Subsystem for Linux to generate an address

Before installing any Linux for WSL, you must ensure that the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” optional feature is enabled:

Open PowerShell as Administrator and type:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

Restart your computer when prompted

Open the Microsoft Store and install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Type in:

1 sudo apt-get update2 sudo apt-get install librocksdb5.8 -y3 wget tar -xvf chainweb-miner-1.0.3-ubuntu-18.04.tar.gz5 ./chainweb-miner keys

You will end up with a pair of keys
Do not ever share that private key
Keep this in a safe place its the only way to access your coins
You mine to the PUBLIC address

