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Releasing Storybook 2

We released React Storybook in late March, where we introduced a new way to develop the UI component for React. We got a lot of feedback and contribution, continuously.

As a result of that, a lot of people started to believe the concept of Storybook and used it in…

Stubbing React Containers for Testing

In many React apps, we follow the Container pattern with whatever container library we use, whether it’s Redux, React Komposer, Meteor or something else. We have a set of presentational UI components with some containers that wrap UI components with the data.

More Ways to Extend React Storybook

We wanted React Storybook to be stable and customizable from day one. This came with a price: contributing to React Storybook was harder. That’s due to some technical limitations and strict rules we have imposed when accepting PRs.

Power Tools for React Storybook

Over the last few weeks, we’ve added a bunch of new features to React Storybook. Let me introduce some of them.

Most of the following features came to light with community contributions. I want to thank our community contributors for sending pull…