Go to Karen and Jane’s 100 Words for 100 Days Challenge
Karen and Jane’s 100 Words for 100 Days Challenge
We are writers supporting each other in the creative process by writing every day with the goal of an eventual full length memoir.
Note from the editor

We are two writers who are supporting each other in the creative process by writing every day with the goal of an eventual full length memoir.

Go to the profile of Karen Traub
Karen Traub
I dance in libraries with a snake
Go to the profile of Jane Kaufman
Jane Kaufman
I enjoy deep dives in pools of self-reflection and have discovered the power to change the world within 5' of my feet. I expect to laugh often and die well.
Go to the profile of Jane Kaufman
Jane Kaufman
I enjoy deep dives in pools of self-reflection and have discovered the power to change the world within 5' of my feet. I expect to laugh often and die well.
Go to the profile of Karen Traub
Karen Traub
I dance in libraries with a snake