Now that you learned how to code, how to build an application? — Part 3

Karuna Sehgal
Karuna Sehgal
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2018

This blogpost is a continuation of a blog post which I have written last week about the process of building an application. After learning how to code in Ruby and JavaScript, I wanted to figure out how to create a web application. I have covered the steps that are involved before I write a single line of code. This blogpost will cover the steps one can use during the development process. If you would like to checkout the blogpost about conceptualizing an idea click on this link and about the design process click on this link.

Researching Solutions

So now that you have completed the planning stage, how are you supposed to code your app?

An important skill you’ll have to learn as a programmer is to evaluate when you should use something another developer has already written, and when to build the function yourself. Remember, one cannot build an app without research.

As everyone is building a unique app, not every use case is the same. You have to consider when to use an existing solution and when to build your own. Don’t worry, you’ll get better at doing so with experience.

If you’re feeling lost, take a deep breath and don’t panic. Remember you can do this.

As you gain more experience with researching, honing your googling skills, and building things, you’ll eventually get a hang of this process.

Review your wireframes, diagrams and checklists that you made. Think about what are some some things you have absolutely no idea how to build. An example would be, if users need to create an account? Does your app rely on real-time updates? What functions do you need?

Most of the time it is a good idea to just use an existing solution for large functions such as authentication, and UI-related components. Although, online databases exist for you to search for backend-related components/packages/gems/etc, but you need to be careful with your evaluation of what other people have written. The best way to start out is to study what other developers have done before you and learn the logic behind their decisions. GitHub is your best friend.

Building the App

Yay! You are ready to build the app now! Here are some tips you should keep in mind when building your app:

Create a checklist. You should focus on building the app function by function basis. If you’re building a form, for example, you should work on both the front and back-end code until the function is complete. To keep track of your progress, you can write down a to-do list of functions and use it as a checklist. I create a checklist in a file in my application repository folder in order to stay on top of things.

It’s a good idea to write a test for your function first before you actually begin to code the feature. Bugs are inevitable, but testing will greatly reduce your mistakes and your chances of releasing buggy code to production. Writing unit tests take time and you may sometimes question whether it’s worth it. It is a good idea to start small and get into the habit of doing Test-Driven Development (TDD), especially since you’re starting fresh and building something simple. There are many testing tools are available for you to choose from, such as Jasmine or Karma for JavaScript, Rspec for Ruby, or whatever tool you feel would work for you.

Use a version control system like Git and a full-fledged repository with complete history and full version-tracking capabilities. It is beneficial to start learning how to use Git while building your first app. Not only, you can easily undo your mistakes, recover lost data, and more. If you plan to work with a team of developers in the future, you will need to use git anyway. GitHub is the most popular Git repository hosting service for open source projects and Bitbucket is for private repositories. If you end up running into problems when using git, I would recommend to check out this documentation and this post about the 10 Most Common Git Problems and How to Fix Them may help you.

If you get stuck, remember you are not alone. Sometimes, all you have to do take a break and let the issue simmer so you can clear your mind. If that doesn’t work, remember you have resources such as Google, StackOverflow, and ask a fellow peer or mentor for help.

Remember, developers make mistakes all the time, so don’t feel discouraged when you can’t even pass a test you’ve written or if you’re constantly tripping over yourself. Lots of things are going to be difficult at first. You’re going to be spending a lot of time on something that you think should be simple and it will seem like a uphill struggle, but as you gain more experience, things will get easier. Look forward to that sense of accomplishment (which is the end goal) when you finally manage to build your first app.

Happy Coding!



Karuna Sehgal
Karuna Sehgal

Woman on a mission - to live the best life possible!!