The strong and handsome Nala ruled over the kingdom of Nishada. Known as the ever-just and always-truthful king, he looked after his people like a father. The people loved him in return. He was an expert bowman, his arrows always finding their…
Once, long ago, the kingdom of the Bharatas was faced with drought, famine and disease. Its king, Samvarana, was filled with sorrow on hearing the sufferings of his people.
After a tiring hunt, King Dushyant of Hastinapura found himself riding through a dry desert. He yearned to see water and greenery again. Finally, he came to the beautiful living area of the forest rishis. Peaceful ashrams dotted the…
Three young men came to the forest hermitage of the sage Sthulakesha. “We are tired and thirsty,” one of them called out. “Will someone please give us water?”