Designing for Unhappy Paths: A Case Study on Collection Emails

Katie Stakland
Katie Stakland
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2019

Designers don’t always get to craft delightful, happy user experiences. There are situations users fall into that can be difficult and uncomfortable. This is something I encountered recently as I redesigned Progressive Leasing’s collection emails. Many individuals and institutions have to send a collection email at some point. While these may not be fun to create or receive, a well designed email with a balance of the end user and business needs in mind can ease stress on both ends.

The opportunity

For a user, receiving a collection email is going to be a negative experience. However, receiving repeated phone calls to pay a debt is worse. We hypothesized that informing users about problems, then giving them the tools to solve them, would decrease the need for collection calls. As a result, users would have a better experience and the business would see cost savings.


I had very little experience with collection emails when I started this project. At first, I was unsure how to research them. I typically start my research process with audits, but how could I audit collection emails without destroying my credit? I had to readjust. Instead of my typical audits, I turned to articles about crafting collection emails, here are some I found helpful:

· Here Are 11 Email Templates That Will Make Collecting Late Payments From Clients Easier by Juntoo on Medium

· How to Word Your Past Due Letter by Funding Gates Blog

I was able to find some samples of payment failure emails from a few blogs as well. These weren’t exactly what I was designing, but they did help me learn more about layout and design.

Payment failure email audits

Current state

In addition to learning about other businesses, I needed to audit our current collection emails. This gave me a clearer picture of the details I needed to include and areas I needed to improve upon.

Current state

Craft content

I extracted the details a user needed to know in a collection email. These were:

· What the exact problem is

· How they can fix it themselves

· How they can reach us to resolve it for them, if preferred

· A way to prevent it from happening again

I then wrote the copy of the email in the manner the research I had done suggested. I then edited it to fit the correct tone for our brand. I also made sure to adjust the tone depending on the severity of the problem.

Email titles and subtitles written to match brand and severity

Review with stakeholders

I reviewed what I had designed with project stakeholders. Some of them felt concerned that I had omitted the term “charge-off” in the most severe email. I had made the decision to leave it out of the email because I hypothesized our users didn’t know what it meant, resulting in a confusing message. I decided to test my theory on Alpha.

Results of the Alpha test

The test confirmed my theory, and we decided to leave the copy as I had written it.

Final results

At this time, the new collection emails are designed and ready to launch. They will go out to customers beginning in a few months.

Final designs

Lessons learned

· Designing for unhappy paths is difficult, but it’s worth your time to do it. Investing time in this side of the flow shows respect for users.

· Empathy is crucial in these situations. Seek understanding and relay that to stakeholders.

· Testing these scenarios is complicated. I chose to pull out specific copy to test instead of testing the whole experience to prevent inaccurate data.



Katie Stakland
Katie Stakland

Product Designer in Boston, MA. I’m passionate about design and helping others succeed through design thinking.