3 Million KAVA Coin Giveaway

Minaz Vastani
Kava Coin
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2018
Be part of the KAVA Flow


Over the next 30 days, earn daily KAVA Coins with our loyalty program by “flowing” (buying or transferring) the most amount of KAVA into your wallet.


There is a daily pool of 100,000 KAVA to give out based on the number of Flow Points you earn daily.


Starts 12:00AM GMT August 17, 2018. Ends 11:59PM GMT September 17, 2018.

Flow Points:

Flow is the amount of KAVA Coins going into a wallet by either buying or transferring. Flow Points are earned based on overall value of flow into your wallet compared to all other players. The more flow (buying/transferring) into your wallet, the more Flow Points you can possibly earn. Flow Points are calculated daily and do not carry over to the next day.

Kava Flow Bonus:

Flow Points will be based on (1) a daily comparison of all flow (buying/transferring) into all KAVA wallets, and (2) being in the Top 1%, 10%, and 20% will earn more Flow Points.

Players who have the most amount of flow into their wallets will earn Flow Points per below.

Top 1% of all Flow — earn additional 10,000 Flow Points

Top 10% of all Flow earn additional 1,000 Flow Points

Top 20% of all Flow— earn additional 100 Flow Points

All Remaining Participants— earn 5 Flow Points

No minimum: Any amount of KAVA going into a wallet will qualify.

Flow Points Calculation:

We will take a snapshot daily to determine how much KAVA is in your wallet. You will earn Flow Points based on the total amount of KAVA sent into your wallet (either due to trading or transfers). The daily flow is calculated on net inflow minus net outflow. Example: If you buy 5,000 KAVA today, and transfer 100 KAVA out of that wallet, the daily flow will be a net flow of 4,900. If net daily flow is zero or negative, the wallet holder will not get any participation in that day’s bonus distribution.

Distribution of KAVA:

The formula to determine how much KAVA is distributed is 100,000 x (player’s flow points divided by total flow points). Remember, this is a daily flow bonus so the Flow Points gets calculated each day over 30 days. Earned KAVA may take up to 3 days for calculation and distribution. To determine your rank, please check the memo field.


Selling or transferring KAVA out of a wallet goes against your overall daily flow calculation. This can reduce your likeliness to being in the Top 1% — 20%.


The easiest way to buy KAVA is either on Lobstr or Stellarport. See below tutorials for help.

Lobstr — How to buy KAVA: https://medium.com/kavacoin/how-to-trade-kava-on-lobstr-631c77c23cd

Stellarport — How to buy KAVA: https://medium.com/kavacoin/how-to-buy-kava-coins-on-stellarport-646c0d0e27df

How to transfer KAVA out of the CasinoLife Poker in-game wallet: https://medium.com/kavacoin/how-to-transfer-kava-out-of-our-in-game-wallet-e0d75806aa2c

Kava Loyalty Program:

Earn additional KAVA Coins by playing our game worlds. Learn more about our loyalty program at kava.world

Kava is a virtual world platform that uses blockchain technology to support community building and social interaction with cryptocurrency loyalty rewards. Players and contributors can create, experience and monetize their own virtual worlds and games.

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