10 Notion Templates To Inspire Your Use

A Gallery of Useful Ways to Use Notion

Francesco D'Alessio
Tool Finder


Notion, as we all know, has exceeded our expectations in 2018 as a powerful modular productivity software. One that balances the needs of both teams and personal users to create a workspace for getting things organized.

I’d like to share 10 examples of how you could apply Notion to your daily lives today from my own account and ways I’ve been playing around with Notion.

Remember you can explore Ben Lang’s Notion Pages if you’re looking for inspiration from the Notion community, it’s very expansive and growing.

1. Audit Your Coffee Shop Spend

Back in August, I used a short coffee shop tracker to track my spending amounts in coffee shops per day. This was in an effort to reduce too many unnecessary trips and save short streams of money.



Francesco D'Alessio
Tool Finder

Productivity software reviewer. Building Tool Finder. Uncovering the future of productivity software. Discover tools: https://toolfinder.co/