Keigo Symptoms — Case: Visionary

manne pyykkö
Published in
5 min readJul 30, 2019

Previously we covered Diagnosis: How my profile came about. Now, I’ll turn that Visionary profile of mine into a psychological selfie-stick. What is it like to live as an Idea-rich Visionary type? I’m going “Full Monty” with this psycho-exhibitionism in order to show example. Hence:

Keigo Symptoms — Case: Visionary

Quick re-cap. I’m a people person. 80% Visionary and, as second banana, 56% Diplomat. Other people agree with that assessment and so does IBM Watson AI, based on my blog texts. Why does this matter?

Being a Visionary type cuts to the core. This defines me to a large extent, and also, how I relate to other people. It makes me both similar to others and unique, at the same time. Every leaf drops, but every leaf drops in a unique manner.

Hence, purpose of blog is to explain, how being a Visionary type impacts more aspects of life than what meets the eye.

Driving style

My social style is very much like my driving style. Traffic situations change all the time and even vehicles that I drive may differ, yet I still bring my natural tendencies into the mix. My friends and family can pick up on that as well.

Both driving style and social style are, by nature, (barely) visible to those who know me, relative lasting over time and they certainly make an impact.

Die-hard Visionary

For the sake of generalization and similarity, I will now morph from 80% Visionary and 56% Diplomat into a 100% Visionary. That is not accurate, but illuminating.

Social styles in an over-simplification. Naturally. Therefore, it is important think of differences within a 100% die-hard Visionary type. There is discrepancy within a Visionary type.

Visionary type mentally or behaviourally?

One can be a mental Visionary type or a behavioural Visionary type. One can be a Visionary type by “thinking outside the box” or by being an extrovert. Think of an advertising agency copywriter or a bubbly (chat host) entertainer. One can be one or another and still be 100% Visionary.

Let’s explore both of these elements in more detail.

Mental Visionary: Thinking outside of the box. Mentally Visionary types flourish in divergent thinking. It means creating new connections and concepts. You may call it improvising or thinking of your feet. It is closely related to a Big Five personality trait: Openness to experience. People, who have a tendency to be open to new ideas and concepts, are often good at creating new, allowing loose associations and conceptualizing. The opposite to divergent thinking is convergent thinking: Following or implementing a given logic thoroughly. Think of a lawyer, accountant or natural sciences.

Behavioral Visionary: Extroversion — trait. The essence of being an extrovert has to do with the fact that behaviorally Visionary types use speech for both communication and gathering of thoughts — and because of that, end up taking too much room frequently. On the top of that, people who use speech for thinking things through do not expect to be held accountable for everything as if they were in court of law. They are just forming and polishing their thoughts. That is not lying or cheating as such. They bring forth ideas while forming them, as tools for thought. There is reciprocity involved however. Extroverts also often get information from people instead of data.

Combine these two dimensions — divergent thinking and extraversion — and you have a perfect storm. I have been told that I not just think outside of the box type — I just occasionally drive by the box. Sure, I can come up with new and profoundly “deep shit”, but that tendency occasionally compromises my ability to come thorough on rather mundane follow-the-instructions task. I’m certainly out of my element being just a spider of the web.

Then there is extraversion. I am not pressuring or domineering as such, but I am known to interrupt by my spontaneity, especially when I am anxious or tired. Add drunkenness into the equation and I am nothing short of a “Social Chernobyl”, based on usually reliable sources. A notorious talker, who makes everyone search for a parachute — or anything to get away from this onslaught.

Conclusions: I tick both boxes when it comes to ingredients of Visionary type.

I’m known to talk a mile a minute and I have a tendency to changes topics without telling — not only do I fail to notify others I’m also often rather irritated when others do not follow my shifting, yet unpronounced, associations. Moreover, I’m a personal, informal, associative and I have a tendency to resort to colorful expressions. Some say even “limitless” as I frequently share personal and even rather intimate civil life information in professional circles.

What can we can learn from this information. For instance, it is safe to say that my motivation anchor is easily established. It is:

New and unique!

Underneath this over-arching motivation factor there are also other elements, which are likely to increase my energy. Think of these, for example, as elements of work. I excel when creative challenges are called for. Bias to action and working independency on future prospects always get my juices flowing. Then there is a touch of vanity. Embarrassing as it may be, I am sucker for attention, audience and public recognition or status.

What to see me drag my feet?

Give me routines, make me implement others peoples’ ideas and, on the top of these, apply tight supervision — and add insult to an injury by harsh criticism. Also, lack of attention and recognition are likely to make look for an out-door.

So, this is how it all plays out — next, I will tell what I am doing about it. In search for remedy.



manne pyykkö
Editor for

Co-founder of Keigo app; Psychological content guy; Psychometrics & AI enthusiast; EuroPsy; Author; Co-founder of Bizmind app; B2B sales coach; Basketball coach