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Keith Hennessey
Keith Hennessey
Your guide to American economic policy
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Hello, world

This post is just for fun. Well, fun for me at least.

Thanks to the clustrmaps plugin, I can tell how many visits this blog has had from each country. I then used a neat Visited Countries tool by Douwe Osinga that allows you to color countries you have visited to create the map…

The Real West Wing Tour Guide

Here is a small Christmas gift for you: The Real West Wing Tour Guide (circa 2007).

While the general public can often get a White House East Wing tour through the office of their Member of Congress, West Wing tours can only be given by White House…

Giving thanks

Thanks to Karl Rove for his reference in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal column, and for the shout-out on Fox and Friends.

Thanks to Sean Hannity for the mention on his radio broadcast yesterday.

And thanks to David Brooks for the mention in his fantastic New York Times column today.

My CNBC interview on the President’s financial regulatory reform plan

Erin Burnett interviewed me this afternoon on CNBC’s Street Signs about the President’s new financial regulatory reform plan. Thanks to Erin and her producer Robert Hand for having me on the air to discuss such an important subject.