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And Freddie Mac

Keith Hennessey
Keith Hennessey
Your guide to American economic policy
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Is $700 billion enough? Part 2: the Obama warning

In part one of this series, I explained why I think the Obama Administration will soon run out of TARP money and need to ask Congress for more.

Address by President Bush on financial markets

President Bush gave a major policy address on the State Floor of the White House this evening.

State Floor
9:01 P.M. EDT

Rose Garden Statement by President Bush on the Economy

Here’s what President Bush said at 10:45 AM today in the Rose Garden.

This is really important.

Good morning. I thank Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben…

Subprime mortgages

In the Rose Garden last Friday, the President proposed policy changes to address problems in the subprime mortgage market. Here are his remarks and a fact sheet. I’m going to do this in three parts: (1) give a few definitions for those who are new to the housing finance world; (2) define the…