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Budget Deficit

Keith Hennessey
Keith Hennessey
Your guide to American economic policy
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CBO scores the Kennedy-Dodd bill

The Congressional Budget Office has released a preliminary estimate (“score”) of the draft Kennedy-Dodd health care bill.Some in the press are reporting that this is a “$1 trillion bill.” This poorly explains the true budgetary impact of the bill for several reasons. The…

Parsing the President’s health care reform letter

The White House has released a letter from the President to the two Senate Chairmen who are working on (different) versions of health care reform: Senator Kennedy (D-MA), Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee…

Does the President’s budget cut the deficit in half?

Budget Director Peter Orszag wrote on his blog yesterday that he thinks “Debt held by the public net of financial assets is the most meaningful measure of current federal debt.”