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Bush Administration

Keith Hennessey
Keith Hennessey
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Responding to the President’s op-ed

I would like to respond to the President’s Washington Post op-ed, “Rebuilding Something Better.” All quotes in this post are from the President.

Nearly six months ago, my administration took office amid the most severe economic downturn…

Government Motors discussion on Fox News Sunday (continued)

In an earlier post I attempted to correct Dr. Austan Goolsbee’s incorrect and inflammatory statements about President Bush.I would like here to add my views to one additional question on the auto industry discussion on this…

Intro to TARP — TARP III: The Geithner Plan

We have so far:

  • created our example of Large Bank;
  • described TARP I, in which the government would buy bad assets from banks; and
  • described TARP II, in which the government made…

Intro to TARP — TARP II: Direct investment

Tuesday I began with a simple example, which I am calling Large Bank.

Yesterday we looked at TARP I, in which the government would buy troubled/toxic assets from banks.

CNN interview today

Heidi Collins of CNN interviewed former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich and me this morning around 10:30 AM on CNN Newsroom.

To my surprise, Secretary Reich and I agreed on a lot. We both came out strong against protectionism, and complimented the G-20 leaders…