Time Travel

Gone in a Flash: A Wrinkle Past Nine (link from Keke’s Guide)

Lesson 80: Teddy is “sweet,” but revenge is sweeter

Keke Van Camp
Keke’s Guide to Training Your Human


Two dogs by an Oak tree
Keke and Flash by the old Oak tree

[In lesson 75, we met Teddy, a scheming Chihuahua who got Keke in trouble, in the story Are You Ready for Sweet Little Teddy? This is the next story in the “Teddy” series…]

One moment, there was no one. The next moment, my friend Flash was standing beside the big Oak tree in my front yard. Flash is a good-hearted black Labrador-Pit Bull mix.

Thanks to the editors of Good Vibes Club for publishing this week’s blog post for Keke’s Guide to Training Your Human. Please click the link below to read the remainder of the story:

Please direct any applause or comments to the linked story above. Thank you!



Keke Van Camp
Keke’s Guide to Training Your Human

Keke is a Biewer Terrier puppy who writes Keke's Guide to Training Your Human. No need to follow her - follow Keke's Guide instead.