Amazing AI Tools to be Explored by Techies..🔥🤖{STUDENT DEVELOPMENT}

Sairam K
Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2023

Soo Humoon…..Tech Prose : Words Unleashed..🤖🔥

Let’s discuss some amazing cool AI tools that may help everyone of you to upskill your work in a easy manner and to know more knowledge over usage of modern AI tools ….

Use me for your easy workage..🤖

Tools over Student development..

  1. Socratic

AI-powered educational app that aims to assist students in their learning journey by providing step-by-step explanations and guidance for various subjects. The app utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to understand and analyze questions, and then generates relevant explanations and resources to help students understand and solve problems.

Homework is something almost every student needs help with. However, typing out every question and getting answers manually is time-consuming. Socratic on Google is one of the best free AI tools that help you do that job visually.

Platform: Mobile apps
Price: Free to use
Try Socratic by Google (Android/iOS) :


AI-Powered PPT generation tool. So most common platform used up to generate 8 slides over for free version with some basic free credentials over an login .This tool provides such presentation over with a just small prompt provided by the user . These presentation is done with a just click which even provides photos related to the topics which also been generated over AI

Arriving on the AI scene sometime back, Tome is an intelligent storytelling tool that creates entire presentations for you. The company claims it is a “generative storytelling format” that drafts text and generates AI images.Tome has partnered up with DALL.E. Getting started is as easy as giving it a topic. Tome will then create an eight-slide presentation and make it for you. Users can edit it later on and add their inputs.

Platform: Web Based
Price: Free to use
Try Tome :


Tutor AI refers to artificial intelligence-powered tutoring systems that assist in educational or learning processes. These systems leverage AI technologies to provide personalized and adaptive learning experiences, delivering instruction, guidance, and support to students.

A big problem as a student is finding free online courses relevant to your topic.Tutor AI, on the other hand, creates full-scale courses along with modules based on your topic.All a user needs to do is input a prompt, and you’re all set. The text-based courses are free to read and keep, so you can generate dozens without problems. Tutor AI makes its way into our free AI tools list.

Platform: Web Based
Price: Free to use
Try Tutor AI :


ChatPDF is an AI-powered tool that combines chatbot technology with PDF editing capabilities. It allows users to interact with a chat-based interface to edit, modify, and manipulate PDF documents efficiently

While pretty self-explanatory, ChatPDF is a free AI tool that deserves mention. The simple and no-nonsense tool allows users to upload any PDF file and essentially “Chat” with it.This means you can go ahead and ask ChatPDF anything about the file’s contents, and it will answer back. If the information isn’t mentioned, it doesn’t make it up and notes it’s unavailable.

Platform: Web Based
Price: Free to use
Try ChatPDF :


While Tutor AI lets students craft courses, Quizify creates quizzes. The AI tool has different ways of creating quizzes, including pulling from sources like topics, blogs, papers, etc.

Quizify even mentions that video support is coming soon. Until then, you only need to give a topic; the tool will output true or false answers coupled with images. Quizify comes under some of the best free AI tools for education.

Platform: Web Based
Price: Free to use
Try Quizify :

So Humoons lets continue more tools with our upcoming blogs ..

Our couple of blogs will be of AI tools for

Try up the given tools and provide further such tools if you know more over the comment section

Let’s stop with it….The gist over the concept is delivered..more Knowledge will be poured soon…🔥🔥

Tools for Students 🧑‍🎓
Tools for Images 🎨
Tools for Audio 🔉
Tools for Content Writing /Research✍

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Let’s Strengthen up the Humoon..🔥🔥🤖🤖

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Apologies for any mistakes in the blog and please provide any suggestions.

Hence the Humoon …. Sairam K ..



Sairam K

Humoon..Talks about Machine Learning,Data Science,AI Tools...