Animation Theory in Blender

Work with Keyframe — Blender Serie — Episode#06

Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2018


An animation consists of displaying a succession of frames representing successive moments in time. if these are shown sufficiently quickly (at least 24 frames per second), the eye is fooled into seeing smooth movement, instead of a succession of still poses.

Book suggestion

This is the principle behind both cinema film and digital video. But long before these were invented, it was known that you could make a sequence of drawings on pages of a flipbook, which could then be rapidly flipped by hand to produce an animation (Wikibooks).

Main Concepts

For Blender, here are the main concepts concerning Animation:


frame: is a snapshot of the scene at one moment in time;


Keyframes: representing pivotal points in the animation; starting and ending poses in a character’s movement, armature, ball, etc; for animation just tell Blender that what is a keyframe for the relevant transformations (positioning/rotation / scaling) of those objects/ characters you need to animate; The metaphor comes from door key, you insert and turn and move …

Basics Operations for keyframe Viewport

Zoom the view in and out: with the mouse wheel MMB (middle mouse button);

Set the current frame time: clicking with LMB (left mouse button) at the desired position;

Note: You can hop forward and backward a frame at a time with the left- and right arrow keys, skip to the next or previous keyframe with the up- or down arrow keys and jump immediately to the first or last frame by holding down SHIFT and pressing left- or right-arrow.

You can also scrub by dragging with LMB across the timeline, which causes the animation to run backward or forwards at whatever speed you choose, locked to the times across which you drag.

I use the keyframe extensively in step 6 of my post Space Shuttle Launch Work with Smokes — Blender Serie — Episode#03. Check it out!

That’s all for now! Thank You! Bye!

References & Credits:

Episodes: #01#2#03#4 #05#6 — #07 — #8 — #09 — #10




Published in KidsTronics

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Written by J3

😎 Gilberto Oliveira Jr | 🖥️ Computer Engineer | 🐍 Python | 🧩 C | 💎 Rails | 🤖 AI & IoT | ✍️

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