Lego — A Proportional LineFollower Robot

Advanced Math To Improve Your Robot’s Steering — Episode #12

4 min readJun 2, 2019


Now it’s time to deal with the proportional controller. This changes a steering control variable based on a Target and an Input Values.

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In this case, the input value is the Color Sensor reading. The Target, or setpoint, is 35 between the black and white color.

The difference between the Target value and the input value is called Error value.

The part of a line-follower program that adjusts the steering based on sensor readings is called a control algorithm.

Improving the control algorithm makes the Trobot v1 move more smoothly and follow lines with tighter turns:)

The control algorithm developed in Episode #7 is called the three-state controller because the program does one of three things based on the sensor reading: go Straight, turn left, or turn right.

In Episode #11 we implement a five-state controller.

Let’s do it proportionally to our development, right?

The main problem with the previous approaches is that when the robot needs to turn, it always turns the same amount (or two); whether the robot encounters a sharp or gentle turn, it uses the same independent fixed Steering value.

It would be great if the steering of the wheels was proportional to the curve. The sharp curve line is, the greater is the correction; In case of the softer curve lines, the lower the is correction. This approach is called proportional controller because the change made to the steering is proportional to, or directly related to, the Tribot’s distance from the edge of the line.

The code is all commented. Feel free to download it and understand.

Take your time!

The next step is PID!

Do not miss the next episode!…


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Credits & References

Book: The Art of Lego Mindstorms EV3 Programming by Terry Griffin

EV3 Large and NXT Motors — The Differences Explained

Building Instructions & Program Descriptions

LEGO® 9V Technic Motors compared characteristics

Robotics for Children (& Parents (& Grandparents))

Tribot v 1.0 .pdf File

Introducing LEGO Digital Designer




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!