Lighting System & More — Unity Game 2

Unity Game Tutorial — Episode # 02

3 min readMay 19, 2018


Let’s add light enhancement!

Step#00-Go to Windows > Lighting > Settings, delete Skybox, disable Realtime Lighting; Drag Directional Light to an Empty Lighting folder;

Step#01- rename it Key Light and configure:

Step#02-Create another Directional Light, rename it Fill Light

Step#03-Now set the Rim Light:

Step#04- The Camera was deleted and set again and now it is working fine (?);

Step#05-Let’s add a HUD interface: Create UI > Canvas and rename it to HUD; leave default settings; click on 2D view on Scene Tab;

Step#06- Inside it (1) Create a UI > Panel, rename it (2) PnlGameOver and (3) middle-center it, and set:

Now a panel appears right in the center (5)

Step#07- Create UI > Text inside PnlGameOver and (1) rename it TxtGameOver; (2) type ‘Game Over!’ as Text; (3) Font Size = 24; (4) Center it in both directions

Step#08- Create new UI > Panel, (1) rename it to PnlRestart,(2) Top-Right it, and (ups do not forget to disable Image:):

Step#09-Create new UI > Text, (1) rename it to TxtRestart,(2) Middle-Center it, (3) Type Press ‘R’ To Restart, (4) Font Size=24, (5) Align in the center and:

Step#10-Create new UI > Panel, (1) rename it to PnlScore,(2) Top-Left it, (4) Disable Image and:

Step#11-Create new UI > Text, (1) rename it to TxtScore,(2) Middle-Center it, (3) Type Score: 0 , (4) Font Size=14, (5) Align in top and:

Step#12-Desable PnlGameOver and PnlRestart; this will be unable by scripts. HUD is ready!

In the next post, we will present all the scripts and run the game.

Bye for now!

Download Images/Scripts from MyGoogleDrive now!


Post # 00 — EMBRAER Super Tucano VS A-10 Thunderbolt II

Post # 01 — Preparing Scenario — Unity Game 1

Post # 02 — Lighting System & More — Unity Game 2

Post # 03 — Running Everything — Unity Game 3

References & Credits

Space Shooter tutorial

Unity version 2017.3.1f1




😎 Gilberto Oliveira Jr | 🖥️ Computer Engineer | 🐍 Python | 🧩 C | 💎 Rails | 🤖 AI & IoT | ✍️