Crafting a Puzzle Game in MakeCode Arcade: A Beginner’s Guide

Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2024

Puzzle games are beloved for their ability to challenge the mind and offer satisfying moments of problem-solving. Creating a puzzle game in Microsoft MakeCode Arcade can be an exciting project for both beginners and seasoned developers. In this post, I’ll guide you through the basics of designing and coding your very own puzzle game in MakeCode Arcade.

Step 1: Planning Your Puzzle Game

Before diving into coding puzzles, it’s crucial to plan out your game. Decide on the type of puzzle game you want to create. It could be a tile-matching game, a logic puzzle, or a maze. Sketch out the layout and think about the rules. What is the goal of the game? How does a player win or lose? Answering these questions will give you a clear direction as you start building.

Step 2: Setting Up Your Game Environment

Once your concept is ready, it’s time to set up your game environment in MakeCode Arcade:

  1. Create a new project: Open MakeCode Arcade and start a new project. Give it a meaningful name that reflects your game’s concept.
  2. Design the game layout: Use the tilemap editor to create the game environment. This could be a grid for tile-matching or pathways for a maze.
  3. Add characters and objects: Place characters and other objects in the game. In a puzzle game, these could be movable blocks, keys, doors, or other interactive elements.

Step 3: Programming the Game Logic

The core of any game is its logic. In MakeCode Arcade, you can program the game logic using blocks or JavaScript, depending on your comfort level.

  1. Define the interactions: Program how the player interacts with the game objects. For instance, in a tile-matching game, you need to code what happens when tiles match.
  2. Set conditions for winning and losing: Establish what conditions allow the player to win or lose the game. This might involve reaching a certain score, solving a puzzle within a time limit, or completing a sequence of tasks.
  3. Add feedback mechanisms: Implement sounds and visual effects to give feedback. This could be a sound effect when tasks are completed or animations when certain actions are taken.

Step 4: Enhancing Game Play

To make your game engaging, add features that enhance the user experience:

  1. Create levels of difficulty: Add multiple levels with increasing difficulty. This keeps the game challenging and engaging.
  2. Implement hints and helps: Consider adding a hint system to help players who get stuck. This can keep them motivated and prevent frustration.
  3. Test and iterate: Playtest your game multiple times, and ask others to test it too. Use the feedback to refine gameplay, adjust difficulties, and smooth out any issues.


Building a puzzle game in MakeCode Arcade is not just a fun exercise; it’s a great way to learn programming and game design fundamentals. By planning carefully, programming thoughtfully, and continually refining your game, you can create an engaging puzzle game that challenges and delights players. Remember, the key to a successful game is not just its complexity but how it captivates and stimulates the player’s mind. Start small, think big, and enjoy the process of bringing your puzzle game to life in MakeCode Arcade!



Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner

Kiki is an author, educator, and the Director of Education for Microsoft MakeCode