Get Your Game On: Retro Arcade Game Development with MakeCode Arcade!

Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2023

Are you ready to embark on an awesome journey into the world of retro arcade games? Grab your joysticks and get ready to level up your coding skills because we’re about to explore the incredible world of Microsoft MakeCode Arcade!

In the Beginning

Before we dive in, let’s take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness of retro arcade games. Did you know that arcade games were the bee’s knees back in the day? It all started in the 1970s when the iconic game Pong hit the scene, captivating players with its simple yet addictive gameplay. Since then, arcade games have evolved into a global phenomenon, bringing joy to millions of players worldwide.

Pong, developed by Atari, was released in 1972 and marked the birth of the arcade gaming revolution. It was a simple yet captivating game that simulated table tennis or “ping-pong” on the television. Players controlled paddles on either side of the screen, trying to hit a small square ball back and forth, aiming to score points against their opponent.

Pong’s success transcended the gaming world and seeped into popular culture. It appeared in television shows, movies, and even inspired songs. It became a symbol of the emerging digital age and the excitement surrounding interactive entertainment.

“Screenshot” from Pong: Bumm13 [2], Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

There’s something magical about the low-res graphics and simple play of retro arcade games that makes them a wonderful tool for learning. That’s why Microsoft’s MakeCode Arcade can be so helpful to aspiring game developers in the first steps of their journey.

Get to Know MakeCode Arcade

MakeCode Arcade is a fantastic platform developed by Microsoft that allows you to create your own retro-style arcade games.

That’s right, you become the game creator — designing levels, characters, and gameplay mechanics just like the pros!

But how do you get started? Fear not, my pixel-loving friends! Setting up MakeCode Arcade is as easy as pi. All you need is a computer or tablet, an internet connection, and a sprinkle of imagination.

Head over to the MakeCode Arcade website ( and voila! You’re ready to unleash your creative genius!

Once you’re in the MakeCode Arcade interface, prepare to be dazzled by its simplicity and user-friendly design. It’s like having a game development studio at your fingertips! You’ll find colorful blocks of code that you can drag and drop to create your games. No need to worry about typing lengthy lines of code just yet. MakeCode Arcade makes coding a breeze, especially for beginners.

You can start with one of our simple tutorials, an in-depth skillmap, or dive right in to creating your own project from the beginning.

Now, let’s talk about those retro-style sprites. Sprites are the heart and soul of your game characters, and creating them is as exciting as creating a masterpiece with any other medium. With MakeCode Arcade’s sprite editor, you can design your characters pixel by pixel, giving them personality and style. Get ready to bring those pixelated heroes and villains to life!

Sprite from our Turkey Day Skillmap

But hey, what’s an arcade game without some awesome gameplay, right? MakeCode Arcade allows you to program your characters’ movements and actions with just a few clicks. Want your hero to jump over obstacles or shoot lasers from their eyes? You can make it happen!

The possibilities are endless, and your imagination is the key to unlocking your game’s true potential.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the sounds and music! Just like a catchy tune that gets stuck in your head, adding sound effects and music to your game can elevate the gaming experience to a whole new level. MakeCode Arcade lets you import and synchronize audio elements, so you can create a symphony of 8-bit awesomeness.

As you venture deeper into MakeCode Arcade, you’ll discover advanced concepts like collision detection, level design, boss battles, and even multiplayer gaming! You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll become a coding whiz, all while having a blast creating your very own retro arcade games.

So, my future game developers, it’s time to let your creativity soar! Microsoft MakeCode Arcade is your ticket to a world of endless possibilities. Design your dream games, challenge your friends, and share your creations with the world. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be the next arcade game legend!



Kiki Prottsman
Kiki’s Corner

Kiki is an author, educator, and the Director of Education for Microsoft MakeCode