KILT Transitions to a Fully Decentralized Network

KILT Protocol
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2021

The time has finally arrived! As of November 10 at 4:14 pm CET, KILT is a fully decentralized blockchain network. This means that BOTLabs GmbH, the company behind the initial development of KILT Protocol, has handed over decision-making to the community. From now on, KILT will be run via a sophisticated system of governance in which any KILT Coin holder can propose changes to the network that can be voted on by the community. This level of decentralization is what makes Web3, the next generation of the internet, truly fair and exciting.

Decentralization Day

Until now, the Sudo (super user) key allowed the development team to make any necessary changes to the blockchain on behalf of the network without the vote of the KILT community. Now that the network has been audited and these functionalities are running as planned, the time has come for the community to take control.

Today KILT reached the final step of decentralization. The Sudo key was removed and governance of the KILT blockchain transitioned into the hands of its community.

Governance at Work

The first proposal in front of KILT community governance is to allow tokens to be transferred (TTE) and to distribute the “thank you” KILT Coins to supporters of the crowdloan. With sufficient backing, this proposal will go to referendum at the end of this week (by 12 November) for KILT Coin holders to vote on over the following 7 days.

Following a successful referendum, proposals are automatically carried out on KILT on-chain by the system, after an enactment period of one day. So it can be expected that the KILT Coins will be distributed to crowdloan supporters in around two weeks’ time. Follow the process on-chain here to see blockchain democracy in action!

The Path to Decentralization

Over three years of planning and development have gone into bringing KILT Protocol to this point. First conceived in 2018, KILT was developed by BOTLabs under the direction of Ingo Rübe. From the beginning, KILT was designed to evolve into a decentralized blockchain network that aims to return control over personal data to its owner, restoring privacy and dignity to the individual as well as enabling innovative, industry-agnostic business models around identity.

Thanks to support from its community, KILT secured a parachain slot on the Kusama network and launched as a live blockchain on September 8th of this year. KILT was designed as a limited delegated proof of stake (LDPoS) system, with delegators who support a network of collators that hold and secure the data of the KILT blockchain and create blocks. Following this design, an initial cohort of 16 active collators were onboarded at launch. This number is expected to increase to 75 in the coming months.

Since launch, the development team of KILT Protocol added functions such as staking, governance, and a Treasury, which will fund projects that support the KILT ecosystem, approved by community vote. Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials were also added to provide developers with tools to create businesses around identity and credentials.

In the Hands of the Community

As part of handing over the network to the ecosystem, BOTLabs GmbH, the company that initially developed KILT, will publish a series of how-to guides and blogs over the next few weeks to help the community to take control of their network. These will include guidance on how to become an active participant in the ecosystem including how to vote and how to stake on KILT.

Keep an eye on KILT’s blog and Twitter to follow these exciting developments and to learn how to become an active member of the KILT community!

About KILT Protocol

KILT is a decentralized open-source blockchain protocol for issuing self-sovereign, anonymous and verifiable credentials. KILT’s mission is to return control over personal data to its owner, restoring privacy to the individual. Developers can use KILT’s Javascript SDK to quickly build applications for issuing, holding and verifying credentials and create businesses around identity and privacy. KILT Protocol was initially developed by BOTLabs GmbH in Berlin and is the technology on which SocialKYC, a decentralized identity verification service, is built.



KILT Protocol

KILT is a blockchain identity protocol for issuing self-sovereign, verifiable credentials. KILT is part of the Polkadot ecosystem.