Road Ahead for Kimeo

Ajay Pal Singh
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2019

Hello community,

Thanks a lot for your feedback, suggestions and thoughts.

Last few weeks have been hectic and also great for us. We have been spreading Kimeo love globally and we are getting lot of love in return.

We wanted to share what we have been working on:

  • We added a Backup and Restore option where you can backup any amount and restore it later from the notification. You can create multiple Backups and restore them. As long you use same email for the app, you should see the notifications and should be able to restore, even if you use another phone or install the app again.
Backup Wallet Option in Kimeo
Click on Notification to Restore Tokens
Restore Wallet Option in Kimeo
  • We know the UI is not awesome right now, so thats our next main focus. We are working to make it more of 2019 app than 1999 app. Please stay with us and keep giving your feedback.
  • Many of you asked for iOS. We are launching a web app next so everyone can access Kimeo. iOS is on the roadmap but not for next couple of months.
  • We have started testing the option to add more tokens and are in talks in some tokens so people can earn more rewards.
  • We are working on a marketplace where people can buy stuff with the tokens. We expect it to be live in 6–8 weeks but given the current uncertainty about regulations, we are assessing the situation.
  • We are working with some blockchains and testing which will work to move things to blockchain like analytics data, videos metadata, rewards smart contract etc. This is going to take more time as most of the blockchains are not yet fully ready for real world.
  • We are also working to fix the bugs and make things smoother and faster.
  • We have been a part of incubation program last few months and have been connecting with ecosystem partners to grow Kimeo.
  • Also as I shared before, we are reaching out to charities to raise money directly on Kimeo.
  • And we are starting many campaigns in coming weeks where you all can win tokens (+cash)

We have a 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks roadmap to achieve most of these things and some more.

We are looking for influencers, video creators and supported. So please reach out or connect if it makes sense to you.


Autoplay, web app, better search, better UI, better feed, better suggestions — all are coming :)

PS: We have been featured by KIN Foundation and CVVC Switzerland. Thanks for the love.

Install Kimeo App from Android Play Store and start earning rewards.



Ajay Pal Singh

Cofounder @zokshpay | Entrepreneur | Global citizen