A connected ecosystem: Winning together

Sarit Ariel
Kin Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2019

With Kin, you are never in it alone. The Kin Ecosystem is made up of millions of users across an ever-expanding landscape of apps (50 and counting).

By having apps band together, everyone gains access to a new quickly-growing user base, while increasing their own discoverability. Since everyone in the Ecosystem holds Kin, everyone has the incentive to work together to increase growth and usage. The Kin Ecosystem lets developers and users win together.

Kin has always envisioned a fully connected Ecosystem where users can get Kin in one app and use it in another. To live up to that vision, we recently released the easily-integratable Discovery module. This module allows users to learn about new experiences in other apps across the Ecosystem and seamlessly transfer their Kin from one app to another.

Until now, apps and users existed in the Kin Ecosystem were limited in how they could connect with each other and interact as a community. The Discovery module changes all that. It expands the dynamism of Kin usage and forges a tangible connection between all apps and their users. Apps get new users coming from across the Ecosystem and help each other increase every app’s MAS (Monthly Active Spender).

The Discovery module (and similar solutions we’ll release in the future) gives developers more exposure and encourages “tourism.” Tourism is when users travel in the Ecosystem, explore new experiences, and move their Kin to different apps in the Ecosystem at any time.

Users have no barriers or limits! They can move their Kin anywhere and get value everywhere. Every app in the Ecosystem provides users with the opportunity to directly reward and get rewarded for their participation, creativity, and contributions.

Monthly Active Tourists

In order to track cross-app tourism, we launched the new Tourist metric on our Stats page. This new metric shows the number of unique users transferring Kin from one app on their device to another and is measured in terms of unique transferrers (tourists) per 30 days.

Based on this metric, we already awarded four apps twice in the past month. The apps are participating in a pilot that will last a few more weeks, after which the rewards will come directly from the KRE with a dedicated budget from the Kin Foundation. This additional reward is how the KRE appreciates apps’ contributions to growing the Ecosystem and increasing mass adoption of Kin. Band together, win together.

What’s Next?

Our goal now is to onboard more apps to the Discovery module and make it a core functionality in every app in the Ecosystem.

Start Touring

Get a feel for how the Discovery module works by downloading any of these apps and start touring: PeerBet, Speed Genius, KinFit, Solve.

More apps will onboard in the coming weeks (Kinny and Imgvue are the next two).
Exciting times!



Sarit Ariel
Kin Blog

Squad Lead, Head of innovation @Kin, user experience enthusiast