Migration to Start Tuesday December 15 at 14:00 UTC / 9AM EST

Kik Engineering
Kin Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2020

As noted in our previous update, the Kin Ecosystem has more than 55 million total accounts making this the single largest migration in the history of crypto. Given that, we are taking a measured approach to make sure that everything runs smoothly.

This past week we ran multiple simulations of the migration on a dedicated multi-node testnet. Through that process the Solana team uncovered optimizations that will make the migration of Kin that much smoother. The Solana Blockchain is scheduled for a mainnet upgrade on Monday December 14 that will implement the optimizations uncovered during testing.

The most recent round of tests, coupled with the scheduled mainnet upgrade gave both of our teams the confidence to engage the migration beginning Tuesday, December 15th 2020. We have scheduled the official start time as 14:00 UTC (equivalent to 9AM EST as another reference).

The migration sequence will begin with on-demand migrations which prioritizes all active accounts and any accounts with at least US$1.00 of Kin. We anticipate this portion will be completed by the end of the day. Inactive accounts with less than US$1.00 will then follow. These low-balance inactive accounts will be migrated at a slower rate to ensure stability. This process could stretch over 1–2 weeks. If an inactive account becomes active it will immediately be pushed to the top of the queue for migration.

All of the details of the migration have been outlined at kin.org/token-migration — a must read for all Kin holders. The Kin Foundation will be sharing updates as we approach the time of migration on the @kin_ecosystem twitter account.

