Wrapping up the second Kin Developer Program with 24 apps

Michelle Desrochers
Kin Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2019

The Kin Developer Programs have been a great way to set developers up for success in the Kin Ecosystem. Since the launch of the first program last July, the programs and gaming challenge combined have seen 55 unique projects integrate Kin and launch to app stores. Today, 49 are still live and working to grow the ecosystem. Not without a few bumps in the road, but we are extremely happy that each project chose Kin and continues to help us improve the Kin toolset.

On behalf of the Kin team, I would like to thank all the development teams for their hard work and continued efforts to grow the Kin Ecosystem. Each project that works with the Kin SDK and successfully goes live is a huge achievement.

This is the final wrap up for the second Kin Developer Program and I look forward to announcing the next one in the coming months. I’ve introduced 11 in my previous posts (links below) and check out the below 13.

A content-sharing service that rewards creators for their creativity and passion. Earn KIN for the creative content you share and reward your favorite creators.

Just Joking
Joke sharing app. Earn KIN through submitting jokes and use KIN to tip others for their jokes.

Simple Transfer
SimpleTransfer makes it easy to instantly transfer KIN between two users, without any transaction fees. Users will be able to request and send KIN to anyone with a SimpleTransfer account or a phone number.

Send friends & family virtual greeting cards with personalized messages and KIN. It’s like putting money in an envelope for a loved one — updated for the digital era.

Your reputation based sharing economy. Earn KIN by submitting an in-app rating or writing a note and use KIN to get discounted services and memberships.

Social media app for daring friends. Choose to stake KIN for completing a dare. If the dare is accomplished, the user earns the staked KIN.

Find is a diverse community of open-minded travelers looking to discover new friends. Earn KIN by using and sharing the app. Spend KIN by sending it to your new friends, tipping for advice or donating to Find to keep the app free.

A new and easy way to learn a language using film. Earn KIN by learning a certain amount of new words per day, using the app daily, watching ads and inviting new users. Use KIN to buy subtitles for new films/series.

Coming Soon

Look out for the below projects getting announced on Reddit or Twitter. They are in the final stages, working to make sure the launched product is ready for us all to jump in.

Virtual pets for the Kin ecosystem. Earn KIN from continued gameplay and by winning rounds of competition. Use KIN to feed, walk and take care of your Kinpet.

A platform to take ownership of your data and make your own profits.

Get paid to play your favorite games.

Mobile loyalty program that allows users to earn KIN for shopping at their favorite brands.

Kin Hub
An App Store for the Kin ecosystem and a simple wallet that connects the ecosystem together by making is easy to transfer KIN between exchanges and apps.

Checkout the previous 11 projects that have gone live in the second Kin Developer Program.

Total of 7 Live — May
4 New Apps Live — June

