Go to Kindled Heart Productions
Kindled Heart Productions
The Body is the hotel of the soul while we live our lives. We all have a purpose, some already know what that purpose is while others are still seeking theirs. Find your purpose, share a smile and live your life.
Note from the editor

The Heart is the hotel for the soul while we live our lives. We all have a purpose, some already know what that purpose is while others are still seeking theirs. Find your purpose, share a smile, and live your life.

Go to the profile of David Thomas
David Thomas
I am human, I have spoken, this is the way. Writing is a way to release my passion of expression. If you don't like my writing today, try again tomorrow,
Go to the profile of David Thomas
David Thomas
I am human, I have spoken, this is the way. Writing is a way to release my passion of expression. If you don't like my writing today, try again tomorrow,