Inside Dweller: Face Your Fears

And plans for the second book, Inside Dweller: IN-Vasion

One of my favorite activities is to read through the reviews my first fiction book has received. Good or bad, I feel like I am able to hear from readers.

I’m really shocked that it has been so well reviewed so far. I want to share my favorite review because it validates what my husband has been saying about it all along.

As the author and originator of this story, I am too close to be scared by it, so I don’t really see it as scary.

However, this review on echoes what my husband has been saying all along. Let me share:

5.0 out of 5 stars It’s a five star story BUT

Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2024

It’s a five star story but it’s 4am and I am afraid to sleep.

This is not your typical story arc. I have no idea why I got this book(maybe the kick-ass cover?)

BUT it caught me, it creeped me out, it would not let me put it down.

Yes it would qualify as a Paranormal story but it is to me a Thriller, a Mystery and a thorough breakdown of the Evil we possess.

Kudos to the writer. You made my mind all twisty turny and I plan to call my therapist in the morning.

You know, I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

However, the way my mind is churning right now? The book should be classified as Horror.

Gosh, and I toned down the ending! I did this because a lot of my beta readers said they had a difficult time with how graphic the final scene was.

However, in the second book, Inside Dweller: IN-Vasion, I don’t plan on showing any mercy. Let me explain.

Some years back, I woke up with a horrific dream. It tops some of the best horror I have ever watched or read.

Like with the first book, Genesis, if I have a dream I can use in my books, I do, and the results have been splendidly horrible and creepy. I explain what dreams went into my first book here (

I have two dreams I have been sitting on for quite a while, and I plan on using them both in the second book. The first is super creepy, and it will occur during a chase. The second will end IN-Vasion. It is truly horrible. I hope it will eventually become known as an iconic horror scene.

Don’t worry, though. I plan on leaving a glimmer of hope despite the horrific circumstances I will place my characters in. It could be the seed that will save everyone from destruction.

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Who Is Kirsten?

Kirsten Schuder’s favorite writing projects make a positive impact upon social issues. Kirsten has written hundreds of parenting and mental health articles and has edited thousands as an expert mental health professional. She fetched an international award with her first co-authored book, Farming Industrial Hemp: Not Your Daddy’s Tobacco where their book was instrumental in raising awareness of the dangers of growing industrial hemp in unsafe conditions and influencing Congress in growing guidelines for the budding industry. Her second book, Schooling Your Kids Through a Pandemic: Your Step-by-step, Guilt-free Guide to Remote Learning, Homeschooling, or Somewhere in Between, helps parents navigate the difficulties of remote learning. She also authored a fiction series, Inside Dweller, set for publication by Black Rose Writing September 14, 2023. She serves as the Vice President of Apex Literary Management, a growing boutique literary agency, and loves long subtitles.

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Kirsten Schuder, M. S., Mental Health Counseling
Kirsten’s Short Attention Span

Kirsten Schuder lives a double life as an international award-winning nonfiction author and editor while carrying on a secret love affair as a fiction author.