Addictive Thai Food

Poetry on The Spice of Life

James G Brennan
Kitchen Tales
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2020


Photo by James. G. Brennan.

The satisfaction we get from food
Is one of our main joys in life
And none more so than the exotic
Spicy flavours found in Thai food,
Quite light so as not to rest heavy
Within the stomach leaves the diner
More than satisfied, although,
Some may say “Not enough.”
Well if you are a bear
There’s always more you fool!

Famous, the spicy Tom Yum Soup
Full of flavour and plenty of spice
To set your enthusiastic mouth on fire,
Be careful if you offered up your bottom lip
To the sun’s intense day time heat
The intensity of the chilli burn
Becomes tenfold upon your
Lips of tender pain.

Not so well known, the fried
Chilli dish Pad Phet
Found on not too many menu’s
As it’s just a bit too much for
The untrained palate
Of the unfamiliar traveler.

The kitchen gives restaurant guests
A free sample as they cough
Their way through the chilli fumes
While being cooked for its victim’s delight.

If you are lucky enough to get
Handmade spring rolls
Along with deep-fried prawns,
Tears of joy seep from your satisfied eyes;

Leaving your desire yearning for more.

Panang and massaman dry curries
Make your heart skip a beat as they burst
With flavour as do green, red, yellow
And jungle soup curries.

Papaya salad will have you
Reaching for your watermelon shake
Drawing out its natural sugar
To take away the chilli’s potent sting.

Yam wun sen glass noodle salad,
Seafood or minced chicken
With its lemongrass chilli and lime
Gives a nice kick but be ready!
So too the spicy papaya salad
Gives just that extra kick,
Reach for the mango shake
This shake will save the day.

The popular Pad Thai noodles,
Always a cheap favourite,
if made with Tamarind sauce the Thai way,
Are noodles like no other.

While bar-be-que barracuda, snappers,
Prawns and squid fresh from the days catch
Served up with chillies and lime
Right on the beach draws in the crowds,
Fulfilling the exotic experience
Of an unfamiliar land.

If you have room for more
A mango sticky rice with coconut cream,
May sound strange fruit with rice, once tasted
A convert you will be.

As the flavour explosions hit your brain
Addictive receptors are screaming for more,
Careful now or before long become you will
“ling uan” the fat monkey!

A name the locals like to call the oversized tourist.

Lemongrass in your food will
Keep away mosquitoes
While lemongrass juice will
Take care of your heart.

Young coconut water is a
Most delightful drink,
When finished, spooning
Out the soft flesh
Is a delicious double helping
Of a superfruit
Full of electrolytes perfect
For your health.

If you are smart a pina colada
Can be made before the spooning
Of the flesh!
The Sunset backdrop
Finishing off a
Perfect full-filling day.

Thank you for reading. J.

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James G Brennan
Kitchen Tales

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.