Healthy Eating

Five Top Tummy Tips

Good Digestion helps maintain health and wellbeing

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Kitchen Tales


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I am a great believer that if you treat your gut well, then general good health and wellbeing follow.

However, first, you need to understand what foods work for your unique system. Here are a few tips to set you on your way…

Good Digestion helps maintain health and wellbeing

One: Read the labels.

Reading the labels on food products is certainly the logical and sensible thing to do. Why wouldn’t we? It is up to us to take responsibility for what we consume, and this is a great way to start. Check out the list and if you see an ingredient you are not familiar with, look it up. Ever since I first became intolerant to certain foods, I have tried not to buy anything with a huge list of food substances attached.

A food intolerance is difficulty digesting certain foods and having an unpleasant physical reaction to them.


Two: Watch out for hidden sweeteners.

I wrote here in more detail about sweeteners. There is a lot of evidence that they can cause all kinds of health problems. Mostly, anything artificial is a no-nofor me.

Three: Cook from scratch

Whenever possible, cook your meal from scratch using fresh ingredients. Then you know exactly what you are putting into your body. I was once chatting with a friend about this. She replied that she always cooked from scratch, and then proceeded to go to the freezer and get out a pack of shop-bought, pre-prepared chicken Kiev. After making mashed potatoes and steaming some broccoli, in her mind, she had cooked from scratch.

It is definitely more healthy to try and limit pre-prepared and ready made meals.

Cooking from scratch doesn’t mean shunning all convenience foods, though. Products such as canned tomatoes and pasta are fine. Check the label :-)

Four: Organic vegetables

When at all possible, purchase organic vegetables. It really can make a big difference, cutting down on pesticides. They can cause a lot of allergic reactions. I am an eczema sufferer and chemicals, in general, do aggravate my skin. Over time, I have worked out that vegetables that contain a high level of pesticide trigger a flare-up.

There’s no known cure for eczema. For most people, eczema is a chronic condition that requires careful avoidance of triggers to help prevent flare-ups.


Five: Avoid meat and wine that contain high levels of hormones.

Some food products we purchase contain hormones. Meat is one of them. This may have an adverse effect on our health. If at all possible, buy locally sourced meat from a farm shop or similar.

If you drink red wine, then be aware, most contain high levels of histamine. Producing too much of this hormone can affect your normal bodily functions.

Conclusion: Health and Cost

At home, we try and heed the above five points to healthy eating, and better digestion, whenever possible. Since following this plan, my partner’s Lyme disease symptoms have improved, and we’re not so susceptible to picking up annoying viruses that are going around. And as to the cost — we have to shop on a budget, so are always on the lookout for the mark-down products. Then we freeze them for a later date. Also, there are supermarkets such as Aldi that offer organic and free-range products for an economical price.

Another from May

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A hearty family soup from Jacinta Palmer



May More
Kitchen Tales

Gardener, Pet care & proud Mum / Mistress of Flash Fiction / Writer & Editor / Lipstick & Powder & Cocktail Club Pubs / Like food, coffee, hens & individuals 💜