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KKday Tech Blog
Lastest thought on product, design and engineering
Note from the editor

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Go to the profile of Sherry Shih
Sherry Shih
KKday Product Owner
Go to the profile of Seal
Go to the profile of Irene
現任旅遊電商 Growth - AI team 負責人/ ex- Data Scientist / 美商顧問公司大數據分析顧問 同時經營 IG : Irene 與資料職涯大小事 (@irene.ds.life) 分享 #資料科學知識 、 #職涯規劃小撇步、#職場女力探索過程。
Go to the profile of 李杰駿
工程師出身、曾落地上海東京台北工程團隊,現在是熱愛產品的團隊經營人,持續思考、學習及探索如何在有限的影響範圍內盡可能為生存同一片土地上的人們創造更大的發展空間,東亞市場與組織獲利、團隊經營、員工職涯發展間的共融互利是我當前最關注的議題.渴望更多交流,歡迎私訊 : linkedin.com/in/chiehchunlee
Go to the profile of Abe Chen
Abe Chen
Linkedin: abechentw
Go to the profile of Veronica Siu
Go to the profile of HY H.
Go to the profile of Wei-Tsung Cheng
Wei-Tsung Cheng
iOS Developer
Go to the profile of 高高高
Go to the profile of Xavier Yin
Xavier Yin
KKday / Android Developer / Music / Life
Go to the profile of Harry Chuang
Harry Chuang
Sr. UI/UX Designer & FrontEnd Developer, awwrated.com / noeinoi.com / @Shopmatic
Go to the profile of David Lin
Go to the profile of Tank Lin
Tank Lin
Make something cool
Go to the profile of Moda Huang
Go to the profile of 鄒適齊
Front-end Developer
Go to the profile of 江奕泓 (Henry Jiang)
江奕泓 (Henry Jiang)
Go to the profile of SH Tseng
SH Tseng
Go to the profile of Duncan Kuo
Go to the profile of ricky chang
Go to the profile of Felix Xiao
Go to the profile of HY H.