Getting Started with Klaviyo as a Developer (Series)

David Henriquez
Klaviyo Developer Blog
1 min readJul 19, 2022

Klaviyo’s platform offers many features designed to help developers build powerful experiences more efficiently.

This Getting Started Guide is designed to provide you with the strategies and tactics you need to build on top of Klaviyo.

First, you need an overall strategy. Start with some basic documentation in terms of user stories, use cases, and jobs to be done (JTBD). Next, you need to map these requirements to the resources (servers, dbs, apps, Klaviyo, etc.) required to accomplish the task. Last, you’ll want to test your app end-to-end before going live. Finally, we discuss how you can monetize your solution through our partner program.

So let’s get started:

Part I: Modeling Data and Workflows

In this section, we will cover defining use cases, edge cases, and general jobs to be done (JTBD) when building on top of Klaviyo.

Part I: Modeling Data and Workflows

Part II: Mapping Models to Klaviyo

Once we have our requirements, we’ll consider how those requirements map to various technical components (servers, databases, Klaviyo, etc).

Part II: Mapping Data and Workflows to Klaviyo

Part III: Testing and Go-live

Before we give our service/app a production workload, we will share details on how to conduct end-to-end testing and prepare to go live.

Part III: Testing and Go-live

Part IV: Journey as a Klaviyo Developer → Partner

We detail Klaviyo’s partnership opportunities for developers across the globe.

Part IV: Journey as a Klaviyo Developer → Partner

