KrafterSpace — Designed for Creators

Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2021

KrafterSpace was launched last week, invigorating the NFT space, receiving overwhelming interest from both first-time and experienced creators.

KrafterSpace, launched by Ground X, a governance council member at Klaytn, is a service that allows anyone to easily and quickly mint NFTs on Klaytn. When you upload an image or a video-based file, it is immediately issued as a KIP-17, a Klaytn-based non-fungible token. During its initial beta service period, NFTs can be issued without having to require creators to pay gas fees — a network fee that is normally requested when minting KIP-17 NFT’s. KrafterSpace was created from the ground-up for all users, featuring an easy to use UX/UI, allowing people with no in-depth knowledge of crypto to get involved and start creating. Additionally, your creations may get the chance to shine as they are displayed on the KrafterSpace main page when minted.

Dharma Communa (Roma Soida) — KRAFTERSPACE | OpenSea

The creation above is just one example of the NFT art that is being minted on KrafterSpace. Minted by Roma Soida, one of the artists from BullishArt, an NFT collection project — the piece is described as follows; “The dawn of Buddhism is due to the loss of the quality of life and the acquisition of a new quality of death: the materialization of enlightenment, free from physical consciousness. This process is that of perfection, the realization of wisdom, bliss, emancipation, liberation, holiness, and emancipation from all (Vitakka) entities.”

Like Roma, one of the artists at BullishArt, you too can explore your creativity by joining in the Klaytn NFT eco-system — minting creations on KrafterSpace then offering your piece to collectors around the world via OpenSea’s Klaytn marketplace.

Francesco Morello, the CEO of BullishArt describes his experience of using KrafterSpace as follows:

“As an investor of Klaytn and CEO of BullishArt, I was waiting for the launch of a tool that could give a boost to Klaytn usability to unleash its speed and convenience in the market of NFT.

KrafterSpace is exactly what was needed, easy to use, zero fees, finally Klaytn is playing with the other blockchains in the arena of art.

BullishArt looks to become a reference in Klaytn for fine art.”

For a step by step guide on how to mint your own creations please visit the following links:

KrafterSpace User Guide:

Klaytn OpenSea Market User Guide:

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About Klaytn

Klaytn is a public blockchain focused on the metaverse, gamefi, and the creator economy. Officially launched in June 2019, it is the dominant blockchain platform in South Korea and is now undergoing global business expansion from its international base in Singapore.

These business expansion activities are supported by the Klaytn Growth Fund, which aims to grow the ecosystem of companies built on Klaytn. The fund is managed and disbursed by Klaytn Foundation, a Singapore-based non-profit organization established in August 2021.

