KlaytnCommunity Partners with Dapp.com

Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2020

We are happy to announce that Dapp.com is joining KlaytnCommunity as an Official Partner for future installments of our Up-Close’s Series of Klaytn Ecosystem Partners.

Dapp.com will play a vital part in the future co-promotion of our Up-Close reports and will thereby join our existing strategic partners that aid us in our mission of growing the Klaytn Ecosystem and educating the global Klaytn Community.

About Dapp.com

Dapp.com is the leading blockchain-based application and on-chain analysis platform. Offering a suite of metrics, market reports, and data insights into eleven different smart contracts platforms, Dapp.com is on the bleeding-edge of an emerging market for decentralized applications.


Dapp.com recently announced that it had integrated its analytics service with Klaytn, the global public blockchain project of Kakao, the leading mobile platform in Korea. Users are able to discover trusted and accurate on-chain user activities of Klaytn Dapp on Dapp.com.

Explore 3,000+ dapps built on Ethereum, EOS, Tron, Klaytn, NEO, Steem, IOST, TomoChain, and more.

Currently, 48 Klaytn dapps have launched on the Klaytn mainnet (Cypress) and have integrated their analytics with DApp.com.

About KlaytnCommunity

A community initiative and independent body based in Europe with a mission to represent the global Klaytn community, support and grow the Klaytn ecosystem. Read more in our mission statement.

Why Klaytn

One of blockchain’s issues so far has been user on-boarding. Kakao is the dominant mobile messenger company with 97% market share and 50 million users in Korea, and its blockchain project Klaytn will bring blockchain into daily use of the mass audience — Kyle Lu, CEO of Dapp.com.

Let’s give them the warmest welcome to the KlaytnCommunity!

How to participate in KlaytnCommunity




A community initiative and independent body based in Europe with a mission to represent the western Klaytn community, support and grow the Klaytn ecosystem.