The Birth of KlaytnCommunity

An effective and independent communication body representing the global Klaytn community

6 min readMar 26, 2020


What would you say if I told you there was a live blockchain, built by GroundX, the blockchain subsidiary of Kakao Corporation, a mobile messenger and lifestyle application company owning 97% of South Korea’s mobile messenger market?

And what if I told you this blockchain aims at leveraging the significant traffic of Kakao’s existing 50 million active users for BApps (Business Applications) developed on top of it?

And what would you say if you were told that this blockchain platform, currently has 27 firms in its Governance Council, of which the combined value is reportedly 70 trillion won (over $59.3 billion) including the likes of LG Electronics, Celltrion and Binance?

And lastly, what if I told you GroundX and Samsung even released a dedicated blockchain variant of Samsung’s flagship smartphone series Galaxy Note10 named after this blockchain project?

Yes, exactly, that’s Klaytn I’m talking about!

Kakao’s global public blockchain project Klaytn is an enterprise-grade, service-centric platform that brings user-friendly blockchain experience to millions. Klaytn is secured by participation from numerous highly-reputable brands around the globe, working together to create a reliable business platform atop a robust system of decentralized trust.

Hold your horses and keep it simple please!

Today is a special day, as it marks the birth of KlaynCommunity. But more on that later on as I’d like to present myself first. You may call me X. Being a blockchain enthusiast for many years now, a so called “OG” if you will, I’ve meticulously kept track of the major blockchains out there. Though I must admit I haven’t been this excited for a project since I came across Klaytn. I mean, just glancing at the intro of this post, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. How about you? Have you heard of it?

There’s something missing

Why am I just now hearing about this project, you might say? Exactly! Not seeing the name get dropped in most communities or crypto outlets makes me question my beliefs. The fact that I’ve only learnt about this project by stumbling upon it rather than it being shilled to me, makes me wonder why nobody’s knows about it at all. Now, this surely isn’t your average ICO that pulls usecase xyz out of their hat and starts campaigning for funds. There are established and leading global players involved here, serving millions of real users.

Having to jump through numerous hoops before discovering Klaytn, tells me there’s a crucial need for a community initiative, an independent body that aims at growing, educating and representing a community.

So far, I’ve had a hard time to connect with like-minded people and share my enthusiasm . There’s a substantial communication gap between the global Klaytn fans and the project and I’d even go as far as calling it an information and engagement vacuum. Don’t get me wrong, Klaytn is reporting dilligently and thoroughly on it’s achievements though it’s not effectively reaching the designated crowd and I feel like people are missing out.

I see great potential in establishing a communication platform dedicated to global Klaytn fans — based in Europe. I’m dubbing it KlaytnCommunity.

The need for KlaytnCommunity

Time to summarize! We’ve identified the following, so to say, key hurdles when it comes to addressing global communities;

  • Lack of collective movement and opinion making of Klaytn fans
  • Lack of an effective communication line between global stakeholders (fans, holders, …) and the Klaytn / GroundX team
  • Lack of continuous updates from Ecosystem, Initial Service and BApp Partners
  • Lack of technical support
  • Language barrier

Calling upon you to join forces

In the first installment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring, the council of Elrond, after Frodo proclaims that he will take the ring to Mordor, utter the famous lines showing agreement on the journey ahead.

I call upon all of us, fellow Klaytn fans and interested peers in the blockchain space, to join KlaytnCommunity and establish a strong and independent communication platform — based in Europe. Let’s team up and establish this community as an independent body that defends our best interests and fights for effective communication. I count on all of us.

There is a key role to maintain a healthy relationship with community members and create a conversational interface for the Klaytn brand. We cannot stress enough the importance of close interaction with the larger global community.

This way we’ll become a true stakeholder of the Klaytn ecosystem and the team will regard us as such, have our best interests at heart and provide us with everything we need in order to build the brand.

Teasers of future contributions

  • In 2020 Klaytn aims to become Asia’s biggest blockchain consortium and claims to have already surpassed the likes of Lybra Network and Telegram.
  • On May 13th 2019, Klaytn announced a BApp development contest — dubbed Klayton Horizon — with a prizepool of 1 Million USD for 15 global reward winning teams.

Our mission

A community initiative and independent body based in Europe with core responsibilities to represent, support, educate and grow the community of global Klaytn fans, users, enthusiast and many more. KlaytnCommunity aims to keep tight and regular relations with all entitities amongst Klaytn’s Ecosystem Partners, BApp partners, Initial Service Partners and Governance Council.

  • Grow, aggregate, educate and foster a long-term vested and proactive community of global Klaytn’ers
  • Grow a team of Klaytn Ambassadors
  • Become Klaytn’s insight into what lives inside of global community member’s minds. Hereby we develop a stake in the decision process of product launches, content strategy and other customer-facing initiatives. Ultimately we help Klaytn and GroundX make user-driven decisions.
  • Initiate growth campaigns through both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators
  • Establish a direct communication line between KlaytnCommunity and the official GroundX team

Simply said, we want blockchain proponents to “@ mention” Klaytn daily and tell all their friends how much they love Klaytn. That’s what makes our purpose and initiative worthwhile.

My dear friends,

I must take heed of the length of this post and not overload you with information. If you managed to get this far through the article, then I would like to thank you for sticking with me. There is so much more interesting stuff I’d like to share with you and I will expand on many things in the future but for now I would very much appreciate it if you would join us on our mission.

I’m counting on you!

Talk to you soon,

How to keep track and join KlaytnCommunity




A community initiative and independent body based in Europe with a mission to represent the western Klaytn community, support and grow the Klaytn ecosystem.