AI and Entertainment: A Not-So-Sci-Fi Anymore Tale from UTA AI Symposium (1) Overview

Turning AI in Entertainment from a Skynet Scare into a Tony Stark Team-Up: Our Mission to Co-Star with Tech

Hannah Joo @themissingfox
4 min readNov 22, 2023


On a rainy Nov 15th, 2023 (yes, rain in LA, go figure!), I found myself at UTA Theater, not for a premiere, but something equally buzz-worthy — the UTA AI symposium. Now, don’t let the “not-as-big-as-Oscar-night” vibe fool you; the insights were blockbuster-sized.

Rain or shine, UTA Theater was all abuzz on Nov 15th, 2023, with pros eager to learn about AI’s positive impact on entertainment.

Hollywood Meets AI: Not Just Sci-Fi Anymore

Hollywood’s got a new lead actor, and it’s AI. We’re talking about a game-changer that’s rewriting scripts and roles — literally. Here’s the rundown:

  1. Job Roulette: AI might be in the director’s chair soon, calling the shots in writing, editing, and even performing. Cue anxiety for our human cast — actors, writers, directors — as they navigate this new AI-driven landscape.
  2. Creativity Check: There’s chatter about AI-generated content lacking soul. Can AI truly capture the essence of human emotion and experiences? The jury’s still out, but it’s a hot topic!
  3. Deepfakes & Drama: Move over, special effects; deepfakes are the new plot twist in town. They’re not just cool tech tricks but potential misinformation machines, making the truth harder to spot than a cameo in a crowded scene.
  4. David vs. AI-Goliath: In this corner, traditional studios; in the other, AI-powered upstarts. It’s a clash of titans, with AI bringing cost and efficiency to the ring.
  5. Ethical Tangles: Who holds the pen (or keyboard) in AI-generated content? And what about the potential for content that crosses lines? These are the questions keeping Hollywood up at night.

The Symposium’s Star-studded Panels

UTA gathered a constellation of thinkers and doers, with panels like binge-worthy series:

  1. Are the Robots Taking Over?
    Speaker: Jeremy Garelick (Founder of American High, on the Future of AI in Entertainment)
  2. AI and Creativity: Enhancing or Eroding Authentic Creativity
    Moderator: Gregory McKnight (Partner, UTA)
    Speakers: Nick St. Pierre (AI Artist and Creative Director), Simon Rich (Writer), Matan Cohen-Grumi (Founding Creative Director, Pika Labs)
  3. AI in Media: Defining the Future Guardrails
    Moderator: Stefanie Liquori (General Counsel, UTA)
    Speakers: Stu Levi (Partner, IP and Technology Transactions and co-head of Web3/Digital Assests Practice, SKADDEN), Woody Schultz (SAG-AFTRA National Board Member/Performance Capture Artist, Co-Chair of AI subcommittee)
  4. AI and the Future of Work: Reimagining Productivity
    Moderator: Charles Sims (CTO, UTA)
    Speakers: Steve Tingiris (Founder, Dabble Lab), Souki Mansoor (Founder, Bell & Whistle), Helix Wolfson (President of Metaverse Operations, Infinite Reality)
  5. AI and Digital Identity: Digital Humans and Replicas: Blurring the Boundaries of Reality
    Moderator: Lesley Silverman (Head of Web3, UTA)
    Speakers: Daouda Leonard (Founder and CEO, CREATESAFE), Dustin Blank (Head of Partnerships, Eleven Labs)

Ready for a deep dive? Click on the titles to explore each session in detail! (Heads up: The first session was a live-demo, so it’s more of a ‘you-had-to-be-there’ moment, but trust me, it was epic!)

Key Learnings

“Fear comes from the lack of knowledge and a state of ignorance. The best remedy for fear is to gain knowledge.” — Debasish Mridha, MD

  • AI as a Creative Co-Star: It’s not just a tool; it’s a collaborator, sparking debates on ethics and ownership. This partnership needs careful handling.
  • Regulatory Plot Twists: The law’s script is playing catch-up withAI’s fast-paced evolution.
  • Union Cameos: Worker protections and fair play in the AI era are becoming (and need to be!) central themes.
  • The Need for AI Literacy: Staying in the know is the best ticket for navigating this AI blockbuster.

So there you have it. A rainy day in LA, a flight from SF, and a symposium that proved itself worth every raindrop. AI in entertainment isn’t just a subplot anymore; it’s the main storyline, and we’re all part of this unfolding narrative. Stay tuned, folks. It’s going to be a thrilling ride.

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Hannah Joo @themissingfox
Editor for

🇰🇷🇺🇸 Entertainment & Tech | MBA@UCLA | Program Manager |