Go to Knetik
Empowering innovation through platform engines such as Gamification, Analytics, IoT, and Intelligent Engagement.
Note from the editor

Empowering innovation through platform engines such as Gamification, Analytics, IoT, and Intelligent Engagement.

Go to the profile of Georgie Hinojosa
Georgie Hinojosa
I write for Knetik about IoT, LMS, our 4 engine platform as a service, and conventions we attend. I also handle our social media and press releases.
Go to the profile of Knetik
Empowering innovation through platform services such as Gamification, Analytics, IoT, LMS, and creative solutions.
Go to the profile of Georgie Hinojosa
Georgie Hinojosa
I write for Knetik about IoT, LMS, our 4 engine platform as a service, and conventions we attend. I also handle our social media and press releases.